Agenda item

Item of urgent business: Better Care Fund 2019-20

A report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


a)         Better Care Fund 2019-20


Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the Better Care Fund for 2019-20; which has been running for 5 years and supports the integration of health and social care services at a local level.  It is based on a pooled budget of health and local authority funding. Members noted that the City Corporation would not be required to contribute any additional funding beyond that required, that performance returns were submitted quarterly and all targets in 2018/19 had been met.  Officers advised that the only exception was delayed transfers of care and, whilst this was within the NHS’s remit, the City Corporation were monitoring NHS delays and giving consideration as to how they could assist. 


RESOLVED, that – the City of London Better Care Fund Plan for 2019-20, which was submitted as a draft to NHS England on 27 September 20-19, be approved.


b)         City Corporation’s Mental Health Champion


Member Matthew Bell had given apologies for today’s meeting and asked the Chairman to pass on his congratulations to the officer team for their exemplary work in this area. 

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