Agenda item

Public Statuary - Relocation of the LIFFE Trader Statue

Report of the City Surveyor


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor advising of the Section 106 agreement to relocate the LIFFE Trader Statue from its original position in Walbrook, which is being paid for by the developer of the Bloomberg Walbrook Square project, and seeking Members approval for the new proposed location of the statue in Dowgate Hill, near LIFFE’s last home.


The City Surveyor introduced the report and gave Members an overview of previous governance in respect of the statue. The Sub-Committee noted that some bike parking would now have to be restyled to accommodate the statue in its proposed location, but this was not expected to be problematic.


RESOLVED – That the Streets & Walkways Sub-Committee:


a)    Approve the proposal to relocate the LIFFE Trader statue to the southern end of Dowgate Hill, at no cost to the City of London Corporation; and


b)    Agree that the unspent funds deposited by the developer of the Bloomberg Walbrook Square project to meet the cost of relocating the statue be returned to the developer, after deduction for the City’s supervisory and administration costs.

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