Agenda item

Revenue Outturn 2018/19 - Finance Committee Operational Services

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Committee received a Report of the Chamberlain concerning the Revenue Outturn for 2018/19.


After providing a brief introduction, the Chamberlain confirmed that an additional Report would be submitted to the November meeting of the Finance Committee, detailing proposals that would clarify and outline the P&L account arrangements between the City Surveyor and the Remembrancer for Guildhall events. Two options were currently under discussion – i) a sinking fund and ii) a direct bid on the part of the Surveyor for a share of the Guildhall events income. Further details would be provided in November.


The Chairman expressed his frustration at the hitherto slow pace of progress in this area and emphasised the vital requirement for the November paper to include clear confirmation about which Chief Officer would be ultimately responsible for managing the P&L account; an accounting solution on its own, would, he added, be insufficient.


The City Surveyor thanked the Chairman for his comments, adding that the extra evaluation works that his team were currently carrying out on the wear and tear of Guildhall would provide a more accurate picture about the costs of maintenance and repairs involved.


Separately, following requests from Members, the Chairman thanked the Chamberlain for providing a detailed summary of movements from the original to the final budget in this year’s iteration of the Report.


RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the Report.







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