To agree the minutes of the previous meeting held 18 March 2019.
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2019 be approved as a correct record.
Matters Arising
CIL Project to Improve Entrance to House
· The Principal Curator noted that the application had been reviewed by a number of Camden Planning Officers, the most recent of whom had noted he had recommended the application for approval. In response to a question, the Principal Curator confirmed that CIL funding was time-limited and therefore he was aiming to have the works completed by Spring 2020.
· A Member commented that two of the exterior doors to the House were no longer fit for purpose, given that swollen wood made them difficult to open and close in wet weather.
· A Member noted that works to improve public toilets in the House were in his view urgent.
· In response to a question the Principal Curator confirmed that phased like-for-like works to the toilet block would not require further planning permission.
Supporting documents: