Agenda item

Quarterly Community Engagement Update

Report of the Commissioner.


Members considered a quarterly update report of the Commissioner regarding Community Engagement and the following points were made.


Counter Terrorism – Prevent


·         The Commissioner noted that the Prevent Team had visited Coventry University’s Freshers Fair as the university had a London campus on the edge of the City.


Prepare & Protect – Safeguarding and Vulnerability


·         The Chairman remarked that Violence against Women and Girls label covered a broader policy area that was suggested by the title and that he had raised this with the Home Office accordingly.


·         The Commissioner confirmed that the City and Hackney Children’s Safeguarding Arrangements had been launched as planned in September 2019.


·         The Chairman noted that Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) would be conducting a safeguarding inspection of the Force in the New Year.  


Prepare & Protect – Prevention of Fraud and Cyber Crime


·         In response to a comment from a Member that consideration should be given to providing online Cyber Griffin training to expand the reach of the programme, the Commissioner committed to providing a Cyber Griffin evaluation report to the February 2020 meeting.


Prepare & Protect – Policing the Roads


·         In response to a request from a Member, the Commissioner agreed to ensure that the Annual Update on the Road Danger Reduction Plan would include detail on cycling enforcement and education measures.


·         A Member queried the accuracy of the Roads Policing figures provided within the report, to which the Commissioner agreed to ensure the responsible officer circulated a note to the Board outside of the meeting.


·         In response to a question from a Member, the Commissioner agreed that the work described within the report was covered by the Force’s Community Policing budget.


Prepare & Protect – Operation Luscombe


·         The Chairman commented that the Home Office would be reviewing Operation Luscombe as a potential case study of best practice.


RESOLVED, that the report be received.



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