Agenda item

Draft Revised Allocations Policy

A report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services (copy attached).


The Sub Committee considered a report and presentation of the Director of Community and Children’s Services that presented Members with a revised draft Allocations Policy. A final revised policy is to be presented to the Sub Committee in November for approval.


Members were informed that the revised Allocations Policy would provide more freedom to decide who is to be allocated social housing within the City and revise the allocation criteria of the current 2006 policy.


Considerable debate followed the presentation and a number of points were raised, among which:-

·         If the revised draft Allocations Policy was to be implemented immediately, 232 people (21%) on the City’s housing register would be removed as they have no connection to the City but they would be accepted at another local authority where they do have a proven connection.

·         Members were informed that the law would still set out groups of people to whom we must give 'reasonable preference' when allocating housing; this did not mean, however, that they would take priority all of the time.

·         Every person on the housing register could be housed in any of the social housing properties owned by the City, including the nominations the City has to the Guinness Trust estate properties at Mansell Street.

·         There may be a temporary increase in demand for housing advice by the Housing Department as any person on the housing register can appeal a decision made by the City.

·         The implementation of new Allocations Policy would need to be managed effectively to minimise negative press.

·         The Allocations Policy would be reviewed every three years.

·         The Allocations Policy would apply to all HRA social housing properties owned by the City.

·         The Director stressed the importance of communicating other options to those who may be placed on the housing register for a number of years, such as part/shared ownership options, other areas of housing within London and private landlords.

·         Members accepted the importance of being realistic and upfront with tenants on the housing register on how long it could take to be allocated social housing within the City and the need to encourage them to look at other options.

·         In regards to the ‘Sons and Daughters of City of London tenants’ qualifying category, if they were providing care to a relative then they would be given priority, potentially creating savings for the City in the long-term.

·         Members were informed of the down-sizing payment policy and were assured that it was well publicised to tenants.

·         The housing register list was reviewed once a year and those waiting were made aware that it was their responsibility to inform the City of changes in their circumstances.

·         In regards to illegal sublets, all information received was acted upon with every case investigated and, where possible, prosecuted.


RESOLVED: That delegated authority be given to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, to comment on and sign off the amended version of the draft Allocations Policy for public consultation, including via the City of London website.

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