Agenda item

Update on Enforcement Monitoring Report

Report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director.


The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director outlining the issues involved in dealing with short-term lets in residential premises and a procedure note outlining the enforcement process.


A Member noted that ‘Air B ‘n’ B’ had, in theory, introduced a policy where residences could not be let for more than 90 days, however, a second listing of a property seemed to effectively overcome this restriction. He questioned whether the City Corporation had discussed the issue with major letting companies and requested information on/access to their registered properties in the City.


Another Member stated that this was clearly a big issue that would, ideally, require a pan-London approach. He added that the organisation should therefore be working alongside others to press for primary legislation on this. He agreed that the issue was easier to address if information on all short-terms lets was accessible and suggested that full disclosure should be a requirement for operation going forward.


Another Member suggested that the City Corporation should distribute information alongside future council tax bills to outline their position on this important matter.


The Chair agreed that the organisation should lobby on this matter and also continue to actively tackle the problem. He added that other boroughs had teams of people working consistently on this matter.


Officers informed the Committee that a meeting with adjoining boroughs at which London Councils would present was taking place to discuss this next week. They undertook to update Members further following this meeting.



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