Agenda item

Risk Management Update

Report of the Chamberlain.


Members considered a report of the Chamberlain relative to a Risk Management Update which provided Members with updates on corporate and top red departmental risks.


Members received an oral update of the Comptroller & City Solicitor relative to CR25 GDPR Compliance. It was proposed that the risk be de-escalated to a departmental risk.


In light of the matters discussed during the Open Spaces Informal Risk Challenge Session, the Chairman proposed escalating risks associated with the Wanstead Park cascade of ponds and high-level reservoirs (Open Spaces Departmental Risk OSD007) to a Corporate Risk to oversee the mitigation efforts to protect the Corporation should an incident occur that could result in Corporate liability. It was suggested that this risk would only be maintained on the corporate risk register until contracts for works had been let.


Members expressed concern regarding the recent growth in the number of corporate risks leading to a possible loss of management focus and attention.


RESOLVED, that Members:

1.    note the risk report including changes to both corporate and top red departmental risk registers since July 2019;

2.    endorse the decision of the Summit Group to include both the CR30 Climate Action and CR31 Fundamental Review Delivery risks on to the corporate risk register.

3.    agree to recommend to the Chief Officer Risk Management Group/Summit Group the escalation of OSD007 to a Corporate Risk;

4.    agree to recommend to Summit Group the de-escalation of CR25 GDPR Compliance to a Departmental Risk.

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