Report of the Director of the Built Environment.
The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment on Baldwins and Birch Hall Park Ponds.
Replying to a query from a Member of the Committee the Director of the Built Environment confirmed that the recommendations in the report presented the most cost-effective option for the long-term maintenance of the Ponds. In addition, it was confirmed that as a result of the mechanisms present at Baldwins lowering the water level would not be practicable.
In response to a Member’s question the Director of the Built Environment explained that the Project’s procurement strategy would include risks associated with issues such as site access being built into the works contracts.
A Member of the Committee highlighted a recent Committee visit to the site and noted that it would be useful for Members who are able to visit the site to witness the issues apparent.
1. funding of £300,000 from Epping Forest Capital Fund (for Baldwins Pond only) be approved by the Epping Forest and Commons Committee
2. the balance of the future funding requirement (excluding risk) of up to £995,000 to be funded from City’s Cash Reserves, subject to the approval of Resource Allocation Sub-Committee (and other relevant committees)
3. funding for the costed risk provision of up to £380,000 to be allocated from City’s Cash reserves subject to the approval of Resource Allocation Sub-Committee (and other relevant committees) under separate report
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