Agenda item

Further Actions to support the Epping Forest SAC Mitigation Strategy SEF 47/19

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


To follow



The Committee received a late report of the Director of Open Spaces which outlined the Epping Forest SAC Mitigation Strategy progress and governance.


Replying to a question from a Member of the Committee on the possibility of a lack of engagement from the local authorities the Director of Open Spaces explained that Natural England would need to be the senior partner but that it was important to start the discussion.


A Member of the Committee suggested that information regarding the City of London Corporation’s actions on the SAC Mitigation Strategy could be included on the Epping Forest website so that the public were informed accordingly. Further to this suggestion it was requested that a glossary of terms be added for ease of use for those not familiar with the terms. 



  1. That the text of the two letters at Appendices 1 and 2 of this report for circulation to the relevant Local Planning Authorities be approved; and
  2. That the convening and chairing of an inaugural SAC Mitigation Strategy Steering Group by your officers be approved, with any future administrative costs and meeting arrangements to be the subject of a future report for approval; and
  3. That the copying of the letter to EFDC at Appendix 2 to the Planning Inspector and Natural England be approved.


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