Agenda item

Formalisation of Governance Structure to Support Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) and Information Management Risk Appetite


Item 19 was moved to the Public Session of the meeting thus seen as 12.1.


The Sub Committee received the report of the Chamberlain on the case for a Security Operating Model.


The Sub Committee was advised that one of the key roles in the organisation is that of the Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) currently held by the Comptroller.  To assist the corporate SIRO all Chief Officers in the City of London have agreed to take on local SIRO roles in their departments.


Members were further informed that data retention schedules are in place with all departments across the City of London.  This allows the City of London to dispose of information when it is no longer required and retain information only for as long as it is necessary ensuring we comply with the Data Protection act.  Additionally, a new Records Management policy has been agreed by Chief Officers to support the enforcement of good records management practices across the City of London.


RESOLVED – That the Sub Committee notes the report and the updated Records Management Policy Appendix C.