Agenda item

South Bucks District Council Local Plan - Examination in public

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding the South Bucks District Council Local Plan. The Director of Open Spaces explained that Officers working on local plans at different open spaces managed by the City of London Corporation shared best practice but as the approach taken by the various Boroughs was substantially different an inclusive policy could not be established. In addition, the Committee was informed that conversations had taken place regarding cost recovery for work completed on engagement with the Local Plans.



  1. The proposals encompassed in Option A be agreed; and
  2. That Officers continue to work with SBDC to create a full and effective Mitigation Strategy; and
  3. That Officers report to the Epping Forest and Commons Committee with the outcomes of the Hearing Sessions and the Inspector’s findings and main modifications.



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