Report of the Town Clerk.
The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk which detailed the various dates of Committee and Group meetings related to the Epping Forest and Commons Committee to be held in 2020. The Town Clerk informed the Committee that in addition to the meetings listed in the report there was a Burnham Beeches and Stoke Common Consultation Group meeting on the 14th of January and that, due to a clash with the City of London Corporation’s Planning & Transportation Committee, the Epping Forest and Commons Committee currently due to be held on the 17th of November 2020 will now be held on the 16th.
Replying to a question from the Deputy Chairman the Town Clerk confirmed that the updated list of 2020 dates would be circulated to Members with the draft minutes of the meeting.
The Director of Open Spaces informed the Committee that the Draft Register of Commoners was deposited and ready for inspection at the Guildhall and The Warren.
RESOLVED-That the report be noted.
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