To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 25.09.19.
RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the meeting held on 25.09.19 be approved as a correct record.
Matters arising
· Tenant engagement meeting for Smithfield Market – officers advised that this meeting had not taken place and market traders did not participate engagement events which had been arranged. It was also reported that the Chair of the Tenants Association had a regular dialogue with the Committee Chairman. Mr Lawrence added that liaison meetings had taken place in April and September and the Chairman reported that he had regular conversations with other key members to maintain the momentum to drive the MCP
· Strategic Review Meetings – the Chairman reported that he had not been invited to attend these meetings but had extensive discussions with the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection. Two Member Oversight Groups would drive the MCP and would be tasked with
(a) Considering the future use of current market sites
(b) Driving the MCP
Supporting documents: