Agenda item

Proposal to Establish a Finance and Estates Sub-Committee

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk proposing the amalgamation of the Reference and Finance Sub-Committees of the City of London School for Girls into a joint Finance and Estates Sub-Committee.


In discussion, the Board agreed that the Reference and Finance Sub-Committees of the City of London School for Girls be amalgamated into a joint Finance and Estates Sub-Committee.  An election for Chairman of the Finance and Estates Sub-Committee was conducted.  Peter Bennett, being the only Governor willing to serve, was elected Chairman for the ensuing year.  The Chairman observed that the Finance and Estates Sub-Committee would be reviewing its terms of reference at its next meeting and that any proposed changes would be presented to the meeting of the Board of Governors on 9 March 2020.


At the request of a Governor, the Board of Governors agreed that the composition of the Finance and Estates Sub-Committee be amended to allow up to seven other Governors, appointed by the Board of Governors.  The Board of Governors further agreed that Mark Bostock be appointed to the Finance and Estates Sub-Committee.




·         The Reference and Finance Sub-Committees be amalgamated into the Finance and Estates Sub-Committee for the 2019/20 academic year;


·         The composition and terms of reference of the Finance and Estates Sub-Committee be approved, subject to the amendment made;


·         The following appointments be made to the Finance and Estates Sub-Committee:


·         Randall Anderson

·         Nicholas Bensted-Smith

·         Peter Bennett

·         Mark Bostock

·         Alderman Emma Edhem

·         Alderman Prem Goyal

·         Deputy Clare James

·         Deputy Richard Regan

·         Sir Michael Snyder


·         Peter Bennett be appointed Chairman of the Finance and Estates Sub-Committee for the 2019/20 academic year.   

Supporting documents: