Agenda item

Departmental Business Plan 2019/20 - Six month performance update: April to Sept 2019

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the Departmental Business Plan 2019/20 Six-month performance update for April to September 2019. The report provided Members with an update on progress and performance against the 2019/20 Business Plan by the services which report to the various Open Spaces Committees.


Members commented on the functionality issues for the City Corporation website Open Spaces webpages which had been experienced between May and September of 2019 noting the severity of this issue. The Director of Open Spaces agreed with Members’ concerns explaining that the issue had not been resolved as quickly as hoped and that appropriate feedback to IT team had been provided. Replying to a query from the Deputy Chairman the Director of Open Spaces confirmed that the Website was monitored on a monthly basis. It was also noted that the preparation of the new City of London Website was in progress. The Chairman commented that the length of time the website experienced functionality issues was unacceptable and requested that a presentation on the new website be arranged for the February 2020 Committee meeting. In addition, it was suggested by a Member of the Committee that a note be sent to the Finance Committee, as the Grand Committee of the Digital Services Sub-Committee, noting Members displeasure and concern regarding the functionality issues experienced by the Open Spaces webpages.


It was observed by a member of the Committee that while the list of the Open Spaces Department’s achievements was helpful it would be useful for a list of where the Department is not on target to be included.


RESOLVED- That the report be noted.


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