Agenda item

Open Spaces Department Risk Register

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the Departmental Risk Register which provided the Members with an update on the management of departmental risks. The Director of Open Spaces noted the escalation and separation, as recommended by the Audit & Risk Management Committee, of the Wanstead Reservoirs risk from the other water bodies risk due to the significantly greater risk present.  A Member informed the Committee that an independent engineers report would be completed in the new year, noting that the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee had already allocated funds for any works necessary. In addition, it was noted that the Comptroller and City Solicitor had agreed with the reclassification of the Risk.


In response to a point raised by a Member of the Committee the Director of Open Spaces explained that the Department would be working with the Forestry Commission on the responses to Ash Dieback but noted that there was comparatively few Ash Trees on the open spaces the City of London Corporation manages.



  1. The Committed endorsed the Departmental risk register as outlined in this report but amend risk OSD 007 as recommended by the Audit and Risk Committee and outlined in:
  • option 1 (paragraph 17)
  • option 2 (paragraph 18)
  • option 3 (paragraph 19)
  1. That the removal of risk OSD 011 – Budget Reduction Summary Risk as detailed in paragraph 20 be approved.


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