Agenda item

West Ham Park Fees and Charges review 2020-21

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the West Ham Park Fees and Charges review 2020-21. The report summarised sports activity in the Park throughout 2019 and outlined the proposed fees and charges for sports facilities to be provided at West Ham Park in 2020/21.


Replying to a Member’s comment the Director of Open Spaces explained that the population local to the park were comparably younger and used the park in a higher number than the OAP’s. The Chairman commented that he was content to be guided by Officers on managerial matters such as the setting of fees and charges.


A Member informed the Committee of the new leisure strategy that the London Borough of Newham was currently developing. The Chairman commented that every effort should be made to encourage an increase in physical activity in the Park noting the high levels of obesity present in the Borough.



  1. That the proposed schedule of charges for sports facilities in West Ham Park for the 2020/21 financial year be approved; and
  2. Authority be delegated to the Superintendent to finalise details of the Tennis Annual Membership package with Newham Council prior to the start of the tennis season.


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