Agenda item

Head of Junior School Report

Report of the Head of the Junior School, City of London Freemen’s School (copy attached).


The Board received a report of the Head of the Junior School providing Governors with an overview of events in the Junior School since the last Board meeting.


The Head of the Junior School reported that 92 new children had started at the Junior School this term and that all had settled happily. He reminded Governors that they were welcome to visit the Junior School at any time.


The Chairman raised a question regarding the amount raised by the Junior School for Charity this year and the recognition received from some of the chosen charities. The Head of the Junior School responded by saying that monies raised for smaller, local charities seemed to have a bigger impact with smaller charities seeming to be more willing and able to come in to the School and provide pupils with updates as to how their money had been spent. This was not always possible with some of the larger, more established charities who received regular donations from all around the world. The Head of the Junior School went on to report that the Junior School pupils chose the charities to contribute to each year with each class presenting  a charity and pupils voting for their preferred charity at the end of the presentations.  Governors were informed that all of the charities presented to pupils this year would be local charities.


The Chairman referred to the recent introduction of the ‘Enrichment Programme’ right across both the Junior and Senior School and reminded Governors that they would have the opportunity to observe some of the enrichment activities introduced following today’s Board meeting.

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