Agenda item

FM arrangements for Guildhall events

Joint report of the Remembrancer, Chamberlain and City Surveyor


The Committee considered a Joint Report of the Chamberlain, the Remembrancer, and the City Surveyor.


After expressing concerns about the hitherto slow progress made in this area, Members welcomed the Report as a useful step forward in terms of both interdepartmental collaboration and transparency.


Officers would submit an updated Report to the Corporate Asset Sub-Committee in January 2020 that will build upon today’s paper. The Deputy Chairman asked that the 2020 paper included greater clarity in relation to the cost allocations for commercial and non-commercial activities across the Guildhall complex.


RESOLVED – that the Committee approved the following:


·         The creation of a single profit and loss (P&L) account, showing the full direct and indirect costs of events.


·         The setting of charges for commercial events and those subject to a charity discount to exceed the direct and indirect cost of events.


·         The Remembrancer to act as the single Chief Officer responsible for the P&L account, a joint operating plan which identifies event-related facilities requirements, and a forward plan for the maintenance of the Guildhall event spaces.






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