There was one item of other business.
Members considered a report of the Town Clerk & Chief Executive relative to the annual review of the Committee’s Terms of Reference and Frequency of Meetings. With respect to any amendments of the Terms of Reference in light of the recommendations from the Lisvane Review, the impacts of this review are yet to be confirmed. In terms of the potential for increased risk of fraud from the Lisvane Review’s recommendations regarding governance for the Planning & Transportation Committee, the Head of Audit and Risk Management noted that the Audit & Risk Management Committee did not have a core role in working through its recommendations. The Committee’s current Terms of Reference allowed for the Committee to become involved in matters of concern only where necessary. The Chairman noted the Committee’s responsibility to provide oversight of the executive governance of the Corporation, and the Court of Common Council was responsible for governance arrangements of the non-executive function.
RESOLVED, that –
1. the terms of reference of the Committee be approved for submission to the Court in April 2021 as set out in appendix 1;
2. the Committee continues to meet 6 times a year; and,
3. any further changes in the lead up to the Court’s appointment of Committees be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.
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