Agenda item

Deep Dive Review of CR35 - Unsustainable Medium-Term Finances

Report of the Chamberlain.


Members considered a report of the Chamberlain relative to a Deep Dive of CR35: Unsustainable Medium-Term Finances. The Deep Dive was considered in public session.


The Chamberlain drew attention to the external threats in terms of government policy, funding and reforms to business rates, and that these factors had been stress tested. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Finance Committee had been consulted on the risk de-escalation as proposed in the recommendations. The rating could be re-escalated back to red in the future, if required.


Members were advised of an error on Appendix 1, page 200. The current risk rating score (as now recommended by officers) should be 12 (not 24).


RESOLVED, that – Members:

1.    endorse the officer recommendation to adjust the RAG status from Red to Amber, in line with the target risk score, following the adoption of key mitigations; and,

2.    note the proposal to retain the Police funding risk as a separate corporate risk for the next 6 months and then to consider whether to integrate into the wider finance risk, subject to progress on moving to sustainable budget plans.


* The Committee agreed to extend the meeting. *

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