Agenda item

City of London Police Freedom of Information Requests Update

Report of the Commissioner of Police.


Members received a report of the Commissioner of Police relative to the City of London Police Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests. Members were informed that the historic backlog of requests received prior to April 2019 had been cleared. Since April 2019, there had been 1112 requests; 479 were completed within the statutory timeframe of 28 days and of the remaining 633, only 169 were past the statutory deadline. All outstanding requests would be completed by 31 March and any requests that had not yet been cleared by that date would be less than 28 days old.


RESOLVED, that –

1.    the report be received and its contents noted; and,

2.    the Committee is to receive a note of the 31 March position on FOI Requests at the 2 June 2020 meeting, with a view to remove the subject from outstanding actions moving forward.


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