Agenda item

Revenue Budgets and High-Level Summary Business Plans 2020/21

Joint report of the Chamberlain and Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee considered the joint report of the Chamberlain and Director of Markets and Consumer Protection concerning the annual submission of the revenue budgets overseen by the Licensing Committee and the final high-level summary Business Plan for the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection for 2020/21.


Members were advised that there was a new format for the budget and Business Plan and there had been a small increase of £10k in the budget since 2019/20.


A Member stated that the new template had been changed by Officers without consultation with Members and the Committee had previously requested that the original budget be included for comparison with the revised budget. It was noted that this point had been made in other Committees which highlighted the need for change. Officers agreed to notify the Chamberlain’s Department of this request to change the template.


RESOLVED – That Members:-


·         review and approve the proposed revenue budget for 2020/21 for submission to the Finance Committee;


·         authorise the Chamberlain, in consultation with the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection, to revise these budgets to allow for any further implications arising from Corporate Projects, other reviews and changes to the Cyclical Works Programme;


·         agree that minor amendments for 2019/20 and 2020/21 budgets arising during budget setting be delegated to the Chamberlain;


·         note the factors taken into consideration in compiling the Business Plan of the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection, including efficiency measures; and


·         approve, subject to the incorporation of any changes sought by this Committee, the final high-level summary Business Plan for 2020/21.


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