Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services relative to the Service Development Plan 2019-20.
The actions in the development plan had been RAG-rated (Red, Amber, Green), and Members requested justification for all outstanding Amber actions:
Aim |
Reason for Amber |
Young people (care leavers) to have practice opportunities managing finance (in addition to individual keywork sessions |
New staff in place and action is being taken forward by Independent Review Officer (IRO) and through the CiCC. |
To build expertise in direct work that supports resilience and wellbeing |
Target date March 2020 and not overdue |
Develop identification and response to adolescent neglect |
New training has been undertaken, not yet completed |
That each care experienced young person has a champion in the Corporation |
Exploring opportunities to connect officers with young people in mentoring role/job shadowing. Virtual School Head taking action forward and can report to next Sub-Committee meeting |
Welcome pack to include the purpose of different meetings, photos of workers and their roles |
Need to improve details in the packs; Chairman noted the need to offer these packs in other languages, and to consider if we can use audiobooks/podcasts for those who cannot read |
Care experienced young people are fully aware of our pledge |
This is discussed with young people in the CiCC. |
Young people in care and care leavers know the names, roles and faces of all social care staff, as there have been staff changes |
Information sheet needs to be translated |
Improve mental health and wellbeing of UASC looked after children |
The Corporation is developing extended service for UASC. In progress with new partnership with Coram to develop service. |
Young people have a choice of support services including wellbeing |
Same as above |
Care leavers will be supported to make use of their health histories in their pathway plan reviews |
Updated to GREEN |
Continue to improve our understanding of the cultural practices and lifestyles of the young people in our care |
Updated to GREEN |
Strengthen Equalities and Inclusion |
Ensuring audits and KPIs measure 9 protected characteristics. Further update to be provided at next meeting. |
Young people receive a consistently good service from children’s social care and early help. A thorough induction is in place to enable workers to be in a position to support young people well |
The process was formalised in January with plan to offer formal induction session every 6 months. |
RESOLVED, that – the report be received and its contents noted.
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