Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk


The Sub Committee received a list of outstanding references.


Dockless Bikes

The Sub Committee noted that the trial had been extended until 31 March 2020. A Member reported that some temporary road markings in the Barbican area were being mistaken for a cycle parking spot and requested that officers monitor this.


Beech Street

The Director of the Built Environment gave the Sub Committee an update on the Beech Street project, summarising the consultation undertaken so far and reporting the feedback received from consultees, including suggestions for amendments to the scheme. There would be further public consultation went the experimental scheme went live. The Chairman commended the work done so far and reported that overall feedback had been positive, reiterating that the scheme was an experiment and practical improvements could be explored where they were identified.


Members then made suggestions for the scheme including opening Golden Lane to compliant vehicles, and arranging exemption discs for cars using car parks. The Director of the Built Environment confirmed that points raised by Members would be taken on board.


In response to a query from a Member, the Chairman advised that he would seek further information on ownership and responsibility in respect of the Barbican Estate in conjunction with the Deputy Chairman and officers, and bring the matter back to the Sub Committee if a satisfactory clarification was not found.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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