Agenda item

Outstanding References

Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner.


Members considered a joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner regarding outstanding references and the following points were made.


·         The Town Clerk noted that 5/2020/P (Community Scrutiny Group inclusion in Special Interest Area Scheme) had been absorbed into 34/2019/P (review of Community Scrutiny), and 6/2020/P should be amended to 5/2020/P.


·         A Member noted that it was his understanding that the feasibility of an exercise yard at Bishopsgate was due imminently and requested an update in advance of the April 2020 meeting (37/2019/P).


·         The Commissioner noted that a report on Ethical Economic Partnerships (41/2019/P) would be submitted to the September 2020 meeting.


·         A Member requested that a new reference for a Board away day in May 2020 be created.


RESOLVED, that the report be received.



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