Agenda item

Epping Forest Events Tender (SEF 06/20)

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the Events Tender for Epping Forest. The Report proposed inviting major event organising companies to tender for a up to three-year commercial contract for the use of the land within Epping Forest for the purpose of holding a large-scale event.


The Committee discussed a variety of options for possible sites for holding events within Epping Forest. The Chairman commented that the Committee should consider the suitability of holding specific events as recommended by Officers rather than suggest possible sites directly. In response to a comment from a Member the Deputy Chairman confirmed that Officers would, in line to with the Epping Forest Charity, would look at all possible sites for holding events in the Forest. It was observed that Wanstead Flats site was very unpopular as a location for holding an event by the local community and would possibly not be approved by the local authority.


Replying to a query from a member of the Committee the Director of Open Spaces explained that market interest would be a key factor when understanding the Department’s approach to events which was being formalised and professionalised.


A Member commented that it was vital that the communication policy on any events held within the Forest would need to be effective given the extent of public interest.


RESOLVED- That a competitive tender process be approved to invite proposals for a major event at Wanstead Flats, Warlies Park and Chingford Plain with regard to the framework provided by the Open Spaces Events Policy and the constraints indicated in the Environmental Appraisals and the draft Heads of Terms.


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