Agenda item

Compliance Update

Report of the Headmistress of the City of London School for Girls.


The Board considered a report of the Headmistress providing a compliance update and the following points were made:


·         The City of London School for Girls had appointed a Compliance Manager, shared with the City of London School, to provide additional capacity to deal with the increasingly complex compliance requirements in schools.  The Compliance Manager was now in post and was working to coordinate levels of compliance across key areas of the School’s functions including meeting the requirements of the Independent Schools Standards Regulations, health and safety, fire safety, human resources and risk management.


·         The Audit and Risk Management Committee of the City of London Corporation had met on 28 January 2020 to consider outstanding audit recommendations of the City of London School for Girls at which it had been confirmed that action had been taken on all 23 outstanding recommendations, and that six items had been closed.  Work to close the remaining outstanding recommendations remained on track.


·         In considering the detailed Risk Register:


·         Consideration was being given to whether a specific risk should be added for COVID-19 (Coronavirus) or whether this should be escalated to issue management.  The Chairman requested that an update on COVID-19 be added as a standing item to all future meetings of the Board of Governors. 


·         A risk had been identified around the robust management of Tier 2 and Tier 4 visa applications, required to enable a small number of the School’s pupils to study within the United Kingdom, and the Board agreed that this be added to the Risk Register.


RESOLVED- That the current Compliance position be noted.

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