Agenda item

Stonewall Workplace Index

Report of the Director of Human Resources.


The Committee received a Report of the Director of Human Resources concerning the Stonewall Workplace Index.


An officer stressed that whilst the Corporation’s score was low, this was its first year as part of the Index, and in that context was a “not a bad start”. A task and finish group, led by the Chair of the Establishment Committee and the Town Clerk had been set up to ensure that the actions identified in consultation with Stonewall would be acted on and that an improved score would be achieved in 2021.


The Chair thanked officers for their work on this, it was apparent that more was needed to be done, but progress was being made and they were confident that improvements could be delivered. Participation in the Index had also revealed the need for the Corporation to establish a unique bullying and harassment policy that covered all staff.  


In addition, officers would also work with the Procurement Sub-Committee to ensure that the firms in the Corporation’s supply chain are adhering to Stonewall Workplace Index principles.


RESOLVED – that the Committee noted the Report.  


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