Agenda item

Annual Review of the Terms of Reference

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk asking that Members review and approve the terms of reference for submission to the Court of Common Council. The Committee is also asked to consider the frequency of its meetings going forward.


The Chairman stated that he was of the view that the current frequency of meetings was sufficient. Members agreed that this was the case. The Chairman then invited comments on the terms of reference.


A Member commented that he was of the view that the membership of this Committee was too large. He asked that the Committee be radical in their thinking around this in order to ensure that they operated as effectively as possible, particularly given the impending Governance Review. With this in mind, he proposed that the Committee membership be amended to incorporate four non-resident members and six resident Members – two from each Ward/side of Ward. He went on to suggest that the quorum might then be amended to require three non-resident Members and one resident Member to be in attendance.


The Chairman reported that he had previously spoken with Ward Deputies to suggest a reduction in representation from each Ward/side of Ward but that this dialogue had been somewhat lost with he move from some Members of the Policy and Resources Committee to abolish this Committee entirely. He added that he had no issue with the proposal now being put forward but would suggest that the quorum remain unchanged and be defined in terms of voting (non-resident) Members only.


Another Member spoke to say that he had sympathy with the proposal. He added, however, that he felt it important to always ensure that there was at least one more non-resident Member on the Committee versus resident Members given that non-resident Members were the pool from which Chairman and Deputy Chairman were drawn. He suggested that the quorum could be amended to require three non-resident Members in attendance.


Another Member spoke to say that she would be opposed to having fewer than two Members representing each Ward/side of Ward. This was unanimously supported.


Members were unanimously of the view that the constitution of the Committee should be amended to incorporate six resident Members (two from each Ward/side of Ward) seven resident Members and a quorum of three resident Members. The Town Clerk highlighted that this proposal would need to put to the next meeting of the Policy and Resources Committee and to the April meeting of the Court of Common Council for ratification.


A Member noted that representations on the constitution and future of this Committee were certain to be made as part of the Governance Review. He also questioned whether consideration might be given to proposing that the Chairman of the Barbican Estate Residents Consultation Committee (RCC) become an ex-officio Member of this Committee or at least be invited to attend these meetings on a regular basis. The Chairman highlighted that this already happened and that the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of this Committee also attended RCC meetings. Members were reluctant to move that the Chairman of the RCC become an ex-officio member of this Committee but highlighted that it was open to the RCC to elect a Common Councillor as their Chairman going forward.


Members noted that the deadline for submissions to the Governance Review had now passed. However, Members were keen that the Chairman write to the Town Clerk to lay down a marker that, if the future of this Committee were to be considered, he would like the opportunity to speak with Lord Lisvane on the matter. The Chairman highlighted that he had already sent a note to this effect. The Committee asked that a similar note be drafted on their behalf in support of this.


A Member noted that the principal function of this Committee was to deliver value for money to residents paying the service charge as well as ensuring value for money for rate payers. Another Member questioned whether this might be explicitly referenced in the Committee’s terms of reference but the Committee were not supportive of this.


RESOLVED – That, Members recommend to the Policy and Resources Committee and the Court of Common Council that:


1)    the constitution of the Committee be amended to require seven Members who are non-residents and two Members nominated by each of the following Wards: -

·         Aldersgate;

·         Cripplegate Within

·         Cripplegate Without


2)    The quorum be amended to consist of any three Members who are non-residents of the Barbican Estate.





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