Committee attendance

Resource Allocation Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee, 5 meetings
Member Attendances
Sir William Anthony Bowater Russell (Alderman) 3
James Michael Douglas Thomson CBE, Deputy 3
Henry Nicholas Almroth Colthurst, Deputy 4
Christopher Michael Hayward, Deputy 2
Alastair Michael Moss, Deputy 0
Randall Keith Anderson, Deputy 3
Timothy Russell Hailes (Alderman) 3
Vincent Keaveny CBE (Alderman) 3
Keith David Forbes Bottomley, Deputy 2
Caroline Wilma Haines 2
Andrien Gereith Dominic Meyers, Deputy 1
Tijs Broeke 1
Mary Durcan JP 1
Shravan Jashvantrai Joshi, Deputy MBE 2
Dame Susan Langley, DBE (Alderwoman) 0
Helen Lesley Fentimen OBE JP 4
The Rt Hon. The Lord Mayor, Alastair John Naisbitt King DL (Alderman) 0
Jason Groves 4
Sir Michael Snyder, Deputy 1