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Decisions published

30/04/2024 - APPOINTMENT OF SUB-COMMITTEES ref: 693    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Transportation Committee

Made at meeting: 30/04/2024 - Planning and Transportation Committee

Decision published: 12/06/2024

Effective from: 30/04/2024


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning the appointment of its Sub-Committees, their composition and terms of reference.


Streets and Walkways Sub Committee

The Town Clerk announced that with nine Members expressing an interest in standing for the seven available spaces from the Planning and Transportation Committee, a ballot would be required.


The results of the first ballot were as follows:

Deputy Randall Anderson                   -           12

Mary Durcan                                       -           9

Deputy John Edwards                        -           9

Deputy Marianne Fredericks              -           8

Deputy Edward Lord                           -           7

Deputy Alastair Moss                         -           7

Eamonn Mullally                                  -           5

Hugh Selka                                         -           8

Ian Seaton                                           -           8


As there was a tie for the seventh place on the Sub-Committee, there was a second ballot held between those two members receiving an equality of votes for this place.


The results of the second ballot for seventh place were as follows:

Deputy Edward Lord                          -            3

Deputy Alastair Moss                         -            9


Successful Candidates after two rounds of voting:

Deputy Randall Anderson

Mary Durcan

Deputy John Edwards

Deputy Marianne Fredericks

Deputy Alastair Moss

Hugh Selka

Ian Seaton


Local Plans Sub-Committee

The Town Clerk announced that with five Members expressing an interest in standing for the five available spaces from the Planning and Transportation Committee, a ballot would not be required.


The Town Clerk stated that Officers proposed that responsibility for the consideration of changes to the Transport Strategy and Local Implementation Plan be moved to the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee with the following line added into its terms of reference - To provide guidance and make recommendations on changes to the Transport Strategy and Local Implementation Plan (LIP) to the Grand Committee.


In line with Standing Order 27(2), the Chairman put forward nominees for the position of Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the sub-committees of the Grand Committee. For the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee, he nominated the Deputy Chairman of the Grand Committee, Graham Packham to continue in the role of Chairman, with Deputy John Edwards as Deputy Chairman. For the Local Plans Sub-Committee he nominated himself to continue in the role of Chairman with the Deputy Chairman of the Grand Committee, Graham Packham as Deputy Chairman.


RESOLVED – That the appointment, composition and terms of reference of the sub-committees for the ensuing year are approved as follows: -


1)         Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee

           The Chairman of the Grand Committee

           The Deputy Chairman of the Grand Committee as Chairman


Seven other Members as follows:

           Deputy Randall Anderson

           Deputy John Edwards as Deputy Chairman

           Mary Durcan

           Deputy Marianne Fredericks

           Deputy Alastair Moss

           Ian Seaton

           Hugh Selka


           Together with four Members representing the Finance, Police, Natural Environment

            Board and Port Health and Environmental Services Committees.


Terms of Reference

            The Sub-Committee is responsible for:-

(a)        traffic engineering and management, maintenance of the City’s streets, and the agreement of schemes affecting the City’s Highways and Walkways (such as street scene enhancement, traffic schemes, pedestrian facilities, special events on the public highway and authorising Traffic Orders) in accordance with the policies and strategies of the Grand Committee;

(b)        all general matters relating to road safety;

(c)        the provision, maintenance and repair of bridges, subways and footbridges, other than the five City river bridges;

(d)        public lighting, including street lighting;

(e)        day-to-day administration of the Grand Committee’s car parks;          

(f)         all matters relating to the Riverside Walkway, except for adjacent open spaces;

(g)        to provide guidance and make recommendations on changes to the Transport Strategy and Local Implementation Plan (LIP) to the Grand Committee;

(h)        to be responsible for advising the Grand Committee on:-

(i)         progress in implementing the Grand Committee’s plans, policies and strategies relating to the City’s Highways and Walkways;  and

(ii)        the design of and strategy for providing signposts in the City

(i)         Those matters of significance will be referred to the Grand Committee to seek concurrence.



2)         Local Plans Sub-Committee

           The Chairman of the Grand Committee as Chairman

           The Deputy Chairman of the Grand Committee as Deputy Chairman


Five other Members as follows:

           Deputy Randall Anderson

           Deputy John Edwards

           Deputy Marianne Fredericks

           Deputy Edward Lord

           Deputy Alastair Moss


           Together with two Members representing the Policy and Resources Committee and the Port Health and Environmental Services Committees.


The Committee also approved the Terms of Reference as set out in the report.


Terms of Reference

To provide guidance and make recommendations on changes to the City of

London Local Plan to the Grand Committee.


3) Planning Applications Sub-Committee


Terms of Reference

To determine all planning, listed building and advertisement consent

Applications (including matters relating to planning obligations,  conditions and

to the principle of stopping up orders under the Town and Country Planning Act

1990 relevant to such determinations) not delegated to officers under the

Scheme of Delegation with all other functions within the Terms of Reference of

the Planning and Transportation Committee not delegated to officers continuing

to be exercised by that Committee or any other Sub-committees to which it

delegates functions.