Agenda item

Crossrail Liverpool Street


The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding the detail design proposals for around the new Liverpool Street Crossrail entrance.


Members were informed that consideration was being given to appropriate locations for taxi ranks around the Liverpool Street station area.  Network Rail would need to give approval to retain the taxi ranks inside the station.


The Assistant Director, Environmental Enhancement confirmed that the funding streams would be identified in the Gateway 4 report.


RESOLVED – That approval be given for the following -

a)    the design proposal Option 1 in Appendix 3 and allow the project to progress to Gateway 4 (Stage 2);

b)    an additional £115k from the 5 Broadgate Section 106 contribution for a total revised budget of £250k to complete Gateway 4 (Stage 2);

c)    City officers to obtain any necessary planning, listed building, traffic order or other consents as may be necessary to implement the project as described in this report;

d)    officers to seek funding from Crossrail to provide a maintenance contribution for hard landscaping.

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