6 Appointments to Sub Committees PDF 97 KB
Report of the Town Clerk.
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk in respect of governance arrangements for the Committee’s various Sub Committees and remaining appointments. Members noted the expressions of interest after the last meeting and, in the interests of democracy, they had been opened up again for nominations.
In respect of the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee, there had been three expressions of interest for one remaining place. The Committee agreed to expand the Membership to allow ten Members, rather than eight, in addition to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Grand Committee.
Members noted that the Integrated Care Partnership Board was in transition from the former Integrated Commissioning Board, as part of an NHS restructure. The Deputy Chairman advised that the new arrangements would see a continuation of the neighbourhood/place based focus and senior posts were being recruited to. The current Clinical Commission Group (CCG) would cease, and Members would receive an update on new arrangements and leadership once there was more certainty.
In terms of the composition and governance arrangements of the Sub Committees, the Chair suggested and Members agreed, that this matter should be considered at a Members’ ‘Away Day’, noting that the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee was subject to the recommendations of the Lisvane Governance Review, and might become a Grand Committee in its own right.
RESOLVED, that – the remaining appointments to the Sub Committees be agreed as follows:
Naresh Sonpar be appointed as the Community and Children’s Services Committee’s representative on the Education Board.
7 Appointments to Sub Committees PDF 128 KB
Report of the Town Clerk.
Additional documents:
The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk, which sought to appoint to the Sub Committees and approve their Terms of Reference. Members were also asked to appoint lead Members in respect of adult and children safeguarding, young people, rough sleeping and homelessness and a carers’ champion.
7 Appointments to Sub Committees PDF 130 KB
Report of the Town Clerk.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk, which sought to appoint to the various Boards, Sub Committees and Portfolios. Prior to the meeting, indicative memberships lists had been circulated and the Town Clerk advised that, in the event of ballots being necessary, they would take place immediately after the meeting, with the final appointments being approved under delegated authority by the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee.
a) The Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Sub Committee’s Terms of Reference be approved, together with the amendment set out in the report, and the following Members be appointed for 2021/22, together with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Community and Children’s Services Committee:
1. Alderman Bronek Masojada - CCS
2. Natasha Lloyd Owen - CCS
3. William Pimlott - CCS
4. Alderman Vincent Keaveny -Court
5. Marianne Fredericks - CCS
6. Benjamin Murphy - CCS
7. Alderman Alison Gowman - Court
8. Helen Fentimen – CCS
9. Mary Durcan - CCS
10. Henrika Priest – Court
b) The Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee’s Terms of Reference of the be approved, and the following Members be appointed for 2021/22, together with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Community and Children’s Services Committee.
1. Caroline Haines
2. William Pimlott
3. Peter Bennett
4. Rev. Stephen Haines
5. John Fletcher
6. Mary Durcan
7. Marianne Fredericks
8. Susan Pearson
9. Jamie Ingham Clark
c) The Safeguarding Sub Committee’s Terms of Reference be approved, and the following Members be appointed for 2021/22, together with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Community and Children’s Services Committee.
It was proposed by Ruby Sayed, seconded by Jamie Ingham Clark and RESOLVED, that – a long standing vacancy on this Sub Committee be advertised to