Venue: Committee Rooms, Guildhall and Microsoft Teams
Contact: Joseph Anstee Email:
No. | Item |
The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming Members and officers, as well as any members of the public or stakeholders observing the meeting via YouTube. |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Alderman & Sheriff Alison Gowman, William Hoyle (Co-opted Member) and Judith Pleasance. |
To receive the Committee’s terms of reference, as agreed by the Bridge House Estates Board on 27 April 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the Committee receive its terms of reference, as agreed by the BHE Board at its meeting on 27 April 2022. |
Election of Chair To elect a Chair in accordance with Standing Order 29. Minutes: The Committee proceeded to elect a Chair in accordance with Standing Order 29. Expressions of interest were sought and Paul Martinelli, being the only Member indicating their willingness to serve, was duly elected Chair of the Grants Committee of the BHE Board for the ensuing year.
The Chair thanked Members and officers for their support and for the positive work of the Committee during its first year, before inviting the Committee to look forward and outwards toward the allocation of the grants budget over the next year. |
Election of Deputy Chair To elect a Deputy Chair in accordance with Standing Order 30. Minutes: The Committee proceeded to elect a Deputy Chair in accordance with Standing Order No.30. Expressions of interest were sought and Deputy Nighat Qureishi, being the only Member indicating their willingness to serve, was duly elected Deputy Chair of the BHE Board for the ensuing year. The Deputy Chair thanked Members and officers for their support.
The Chair then gave thanks to Alderman & Sheriff Alison Gowman for her support as Deputy Chair and paid tribute to her commitment to the charity across a wide range of activities. |
To agree the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 9 March 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 9 March 2022 be agreed as a correct record. |
Report of the Town Clerk Minutes: The Committee received a list of outstanding actions and noted the updates provided in respect of the items listed. The Committee noted that the BHE Board would be considering the charity’s principal risk register at its next meeting.
RESOLVED – That the outstanding actions list be noted. |
BHE Managing Director's Update Report Report of the Managing Director of Bridge House Estates (BHE) Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE providing an update on key areas of activity and outlining upcoming activities. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report, and the Committee discussed the updates provided.
Impact and Learning The Managing Director of BHE advised that previous induction and training sessions in respect of both the main Board and the Grants Committee had been recorded and were available for Members, who were also encouraged to contact officers if they felt there was any further topics for training or Member development that would be beneficial.
Recruitment In response to a question from a Member, the Managing Director of BHE advised that recruitment to vacancies within the CBT team had been done on a staggered basis as vacancies had arisen due to retirements, which in turn dictated the timing of recruitment exercises. Further recruitment would be reviewed following the anticipated approval of the Supplemental Royal Charter.
Learning Visits In response to a question from the Chair, the Managing Director of BHE advised that it was hoped to complete the trial of a new approach to learning visits in the next few weeks, following delays arising due to Covid-19, and that if successful it was hoped to undertake these visits on a wider basis following the summer recess.
The Chair then gave thanks to Lewisham Local for their feedback and partnership in the learning case study set out in the report.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE requesting approval to proceed with the implementation of the Anchor Programme, a proposed new funding stream which aimed to grow stronger, more resilient communities. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and presented the proposals to the Committee.
In response to a question from the Deputy Chair, the Managing Director of BHE outlined the process by which the proposed allocation of £20 million had been reached, which had included a design group in conjunction with partner organisations, and how CBT would mitigate against inflationary costs. The Committee was advised that whilst the proposed allocation was not necessarily intended to bring in other funders, the funding may exercise CBT’s natural leverage. The Managing Director of BHE then confirmed that grants proposed as part of the proposed would be submitted in accordance with the usual framework.
A Member commented that it was important to define what systemic change would look like within the context of the proposals. The Managing Director of BHE thanked the Member for raising this point and responded that CBT would aim to be clear on what the groups involved wanted from the programme, and that an advisory group would be in place during implementation and delivery of the programme.
The Chair then thanked Members for their comments before drawing the Committee’s attention to the recommendations.
Summary of Bridging Divides* To note a summary of the Bridging Divides programme. Minutes: The Committee noted a summary of the Bridging Divides programme. |
Strategic Initiative - Action for Race Equality - Windrush Justice (REF: 19453) Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE requesting funding of £400,000 over three years as a strategic initiative to Action for Race Equality for the Windrush Justice programme, a pan-funder initiative developed by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and presented the proposals to the Committee. In response to a question from the Chair, the Managing Director of BHE confirmed that any compensation funds recovered as part of the initiative would be directed to the individuals to whom they were due.
Strategic Initiative - Place2Be (REF: 19322) Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE requesting funding of £363,940 to Place2Be over four years as a strategic initiative to carry out a longitudinal research study to explore the long-term impact of one-to-one school-based counselling. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and presented the proposal to the Committee.
In response to questions from Members, the Managing Director of BHE advised that the grant funding would be available to all London schools within the Place2Be network from September 2022, which would facilitate a large number of interventions. The Committee noted that Place2Be worked with nearly 500 schools nationally. The Chair commented that he had previously visited the organisation, who were doing really positive work. With regards to assessing outcomes, the Managing Director of BHE advised that this was undertaken through an evaluation process at the end of the intervention. The Managing Director of BHE then advised that officers received regular updates from the organisation, and that these and other materials could be shared with Members.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board approve funding of £363,940 to Place2Be over four years (£122,271, £95,425, £97,904, £48,340) to carry out a longitudinal research study, to explore the long-term impact of one-to-one school-based counselling, supporting the case for early intervention in mental health. |
Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE requesting funding of £5m to be awarded to London Legal Support Trust (LLST) [charity no: 1101906] over five years towards onward grant making under the Advice Skills Development Fund (ASDF) (approximately £4.2m of the £5m), and towards the process of co-designing a funding programme, including overall administration costs of both activities (co-design and onward grant making) (approximately £800k of the £5m). The Committee noted that the grant, if endorsed, would be referred to the BHE Board for approval. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and presented the proposal to the Committee.
In response to a question from the Chair, the Managing Director of BHE advised that legal support was not a statutory provision for local authorities except in respect of some care and homelessness related provisions, and average provision had declined in recent years in line with increasing budgetary constraints. The Managing Director of BHE confirmed that grant funding would not be replacing statutory funding, and this grant would be used towards remediating the skills gap within the sector with a view to making it more sustainable. Members commented that the replacement of funding previously provided by local or central government was of some concern, but noted that the proposals related to a vital part of the sector. The Managing Director of BHE then outlined how the grant would be used towards the ability to quantify outcomes and measure the quality of delivery.
A Member noted that 16% of the grant was designated for administrative costs, and suggested increasing the overall allocation to £6 million, with any underspend to be returned if necessary. The Managing Director of BHE advised that there was no administrative barrier, or immediately risks, to increasing the overall grant, adding that £5 million |
The Cornerstone Fund Round 2 Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Managing Director of BHE presenting the second round of the Cornerstone Fund, with five Stage 2 bids presented in subsequent reports. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report, outlining the history of the Cornerstone Fund for context and setting out the distinctions between the Cornerstone Fund and other funding streams such as the Anchor Programme. The Chair then drew the Committee’s attention to the grant applications set out following the report.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
London Youth (REF: 19238) Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a Cornerstone Fund application in respect of London Youth (Ref: 19238). In response to a comment from the Chair, the Managing Director of BHE advised the phrase ‘game-changing’ had been carried over having been part of the application, but this could be tweaked if Members felt it was unhelpful. The Chair commented that this was a good proposal which he hoped could deliver.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board approve a grant of £300,000 over two years (£138,000; £162,000) to pilot a place-based model to build the capacity of the youth sector to support young people’s mental health needs in Croydon. |
Bridge Renewal Trust (REF: 19150) Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a Cornerstone Fund application in respect of The Bridge Renewal Trust (Ref: 19150). In response to a question from a Member, the Managing Director of BHE assured the Committee that many organisations were under their reserves targets following Covid-19, and that The Bridge Renewal Trust had an ambitious target. The Managing Director of BHE added that officers had undertaken their usual assessments and would have flagged any significant concerns had they been raised.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board approve a grant of £300,000 over three years (£100,000 x 3) towards a project to build the capacity of Place Based Giving Schemes in London to develop and apply Participatory Grant Making models in a local context. |
Africa Advocacy Foundation (REF: 19267) Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a Cornerstone Fund application in respect of Africa Advocacy Foundation (Ref: 19267). The Managing Director of BHE introduced the application and gave the Committee further detail on the proposal. In response to a question from the Deputy Chair, the Managing Director of BHE advised that the organisation were planning to increase their cashflow in order to operate at a higher level, in response to an increasing demand for their services.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board approve a grant of £275,000 over two years (£130,733; £144,267) towards the salary costs of staff within the One Voice Network and National Aids Trust involved in delivering the Unheard Voices project; funding also covers project costs; evaluation and project support costs. |
AdviceUK (REF: 19250) Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a Cornerstone Fund application in respect of AdviceUK (Ref: 19250)
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board approve a grant of £342,500 over three years (£106,200; £117,400; £118,900) towards a project whereby AdviceUK and 11 organisations will use a Whole Person, Whole Community approach will co-produce a challenge to funders on the way current monitoring and evaluation of advice services are limiting their effectiveness. |
Global Black Thrive (REF: 19237) Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a Cornerstone Fund application in respect of Global Black Thrive (Ref: 19237). In response to a question from the Chair, the Managing Director of BHE advised that further changes to the strategic partnership of organisations were not anticipated. The Managing Director of BHE confirmed that the project had previously received a development grant and that officers were comfortable that the project was moving in the right direction, having undertaken a thorough assessment.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board approve a grant of £298,200 over three years (£111,400; £93,400; £93,400) towards a project to build No Wrong Door, a partnership to create a human-centred system in which a referral for any employment support provider in Lambeth would lead the individual to a service which meets their needs, so there will be no ‘wrong door’ for any Black and/or Disabled individual seeking help. |
Grant Funding Activity: Period Ended 6 June 2022 Report of the Managing Director of BHE Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE providing details of funds approved and rejected under delegated authority since the last meeting of the Grants Committee, grant variations that had been approved under delegated authority, and seeking the Committee’s approval for 1 grant rejection. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points. In response to a question from a Member, the Managing Director of BHE advised that the funding application from the Stationers’ Hall Charity had not proceeded to full assessment, and had been ineligible due to CBT’s policy not to fund capital works retrospectively.
The Chair then drew the Committee’s attention to the financial information provided. Noting a comment made as part of impact and learning feedback from funded organisations about overpayment causing tax concerns, the Managing Director of BHE advised that this had arisen as the organisation had mistakenly received a modest overpayment in their first year as a result of human error, which had carried tax implications due to the organisation’s structure as a Community Interest Company (CIC). The Managing Director of BHE confirmed that steps had been taken to rectify the error and officers had been reminded to double-check payment schedules prior to authorisation.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the BHE Board:
i) Receive the report and note its contents; and
ii) Approve the rejection of the grant application from Agudas Israel Community Service (AICS) (Ref: 19135). |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION – With the Court of Common Council for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (Charity No. 1035628) having decided to treat these meetings as though Part VA and Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 applied to them, it now be moved that the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that their consideration will in each case disclose exempt information of the description in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A, being information relating to the financial and business affairs of any person (including the City Corporation as Trustee of the charity) which it would not be in the charity’s best interests to disclose. Minutes: RESOLVED – That with the Court of Common Council for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (Charity No. 1035628) having decided to treat these meetings as though Part VA and Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 applied to them, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that their consideration will in each case disclose exempt information of the description in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A, being information relating to the financial and business affairs of any person (including the City Corporation as Trustee of the charity) which it would not be in the charity’s best interests to disclose. |
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2022 be agreed as a correct record. |
Bridging Divides: Responsive Grant Programmes Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE. |
Pipeline of Strategic Initiatives* Report of the Managing Director of BHE Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Managing Director of BHE. |
Report of Decisions Taken Under Delegated Authority and Urgency* Report of the Town Clerk Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk. |