Venue: Committee Room - 2nd Floor West Wing, Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Katie Davies, Member Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Alderman Alison Gowman, Deputy Keith Bottomley, and Deputy Ann Holmes.
Helen Fentimen and John Griffiths also issued apologies, but observed the meeting online. |
To agree the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 8 March 2024. Minutes: The subcommittee considered the public minutes and non-public summary of their last meeting held on 8 March 2024.
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2024 be approved as a correct record. |
Members Code of Conduct Joint report of the Comptroller and City Solictior and the Town Clerk. Additional documents:
Definition of Antisemitism Members discussed the inclusion of the definition of Antisemitism as defined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). A member raised a concern over the definition’s references to the state of Israel and expressed wariness of the Corporation’s involvement and stance on international matters. Another member said that the definition covered more than the state of Israel and the definition was included only as an example. In response to a question, Members were informed that this definition was the one originally commended for adoption by the UK Government and London Councils, that was included in the Corporation’s current Code of Conduct. The subcommittee agreed that there had been an increase in many types of discrimination recently, and that removing the definition, as an example, might cause more concern. When put to a vote, the Subcommittee was four members for retention of this definition and one member against its retention.
Register of Interests Deputy Lord declared an interest in this item as a Freemason.
Members discussed the suggestion that individual Masonic lodges should be registered, and in particular, Guildhall Lodge. It was unanimously agreed that there should be no change to the draft Code of Conduct regarding Freemasonry, but that when the accompanying Guidance was updated this should make clear that Guildhall Lodge is an example of a Club or Society active in the City of London, that ought to be registered.
Requirement to co-operate with any investigation or determination Members discussed the inclusion of the Local Government Association (LGA) wording that required members to co-operate with the complaints process. It |
Report of the Town Clerk. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Subcommittee was presented with a proposed action plan following the independent review of member behaviour.
Members discussed the importance of the Chief Commoner and their unique position to aide in upholding member behaviour. It was suggested that the Chief Commoner, along with any past chief commoners, should the main contact for informal discussions both reaching out to and listening to concerns regarding member behaviour. It was discussed that the informality of this practice would allow for more leeway and encourage more conversations to happen earlier.
The subcommittee also discussed the benefits of having a buddy system for new members. All were in favour of the buddy system, with the experienced buddies encompassing a range of all members from the court, not just the ward deputies.
RESOLVED, that the Action Plan be recommended to the Grand Committee for approval and adoption with ministration by the Subcommittee. |
Panel of Independent Persons - Report Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The subcommittee received a report on the panel of independent persons.
In response to questions, Members were informed that the panel are only paid when they are working and that they declare their interests, as published on the Corporation’s webpage.
The subcommittee raised concerns that some cases were dismissed as they did not meet the assessment material, and that all complaints should be acknowledged. Concerns were also raised about the severity of sanctions and their implementations.
Members were reminded of the importance and legal obligation to follow and work with the Court-approved process.
RESOLVED, that the report be noted. |
Member Learning and Development Update Report of the Town Clerk. Additional documents: Minutes: The subcommittee received an update on member learning and development.
Members expressed their concern over the lowest attendance records at the trainings. Members were informed that the topics of training sessions offered was compiled following requests from the court. It was also discussed how best to advertise these sessions to members.
RESOLVED, that this report be noted. |
Member Induction Arrangements 2025 Report of the Town Clerk. Additional documents:
Minutes: The subcommittee considered arrangements for member inductions following the ‘all-out’ elections in March 2025.
The members agreed that the majority of sessions would be of interest to all members and were informed that all sessions would be available to the wider court. Members indicated that some sessions, for example code of conduct training and what to expect as a member, would be beneficial to have pre-elections to ensure that those running are aware of the demands and obligations of the post. In response to a question, the subcommittee was informed that the budget was modest due to the fact hat most training is done in-house.
Suggestions for session topics included The City’s relationship to the Liveries, Ward structure, and the role of Ward Deputies.
RESOLVED, that the member induction arrangements for 2025 be agreed and implemented. |
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the previous meeting held on 8March 2024. Minutes: The subcommittee considered the non-public minutes of their last meeting held on 8 March 2024.
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2024 be approved as a correct record.
Question on Matters Relating to the work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other Business that the Chair considers urgent and which the committee agree should be considered whilst the public are excluded. Minutes: There was none. |