The Sub-Committee is here to ensure that all Members have access to opportunities to broaden their specialist knowledge and skills in relation to their duties as Aldermen or Common Councillor. It is also responsible for monitoring, upholding and reviewing the City Corporation’s Standard’s regime.
· The Chief Commoner (to act as Chairman)
· Immediate past Chief Commoner*
· Chairman and Deputy Chairman (or a Vice Chairman) of the Policy & Resources Committee
· One Alderman nominated by the Court of Aldermen
· Two Members nominated by the Policy & Resources Committee
· Two Members nominated by the Education Board
· Two Members nominated by the Corporate Services Committee
· Two Members elected by the Court.
*For part of the year and then the Chief Commoner Designate for the remainder of the year (elected in October each year)
Terms of Reference
To be responsible for:-
Member Learning and Development
(a) To agree, a programme of Member training and development, to ensure that all Members have access to opportunities
(b) promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by Members and Co-opted Members of the City of London Corporation and to assist Members and Co-opted Members to observe the City of London Corporation’s Code of Conduct;
(c) preparing, keeping under review and monitoring the City of London Corporation’s Member Code of Conduct and making recommendations to the Court of Common Council in respect of the adoption or revision, as appropriate, of such Code of Conduct;
(d) keeping under review, monitoring and revising as appropriate the City of London Corporation’s Guidance to Members on the Code of Conduct;
(e) keeping under review by way of an annual update by the Director of HR, the City of London Corporation’s Employee Code of Conduct and, in relation to any revisions, making recommendations to the Corporate Services Committee;
(f) keeping under review and monitoring the Protocol on Member/Officer Relations and, in relation to any revisions, making recommendations to the Corporate Services Committee;
(g) advising and training Members and Co-opted Members on matters relating to the City of London Corporation’s Code of Conduct.
Support officer: Isaac Thomas, Member Services Officer. Email: