Venue: Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: George Fraser
tel. no.: 020 7332 1174
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies.
The Committee congratulated Emma Edhem in her recent election to the Court of Alderman. It was noted that she would be required to stand down from the Committee as a Common Councilman and stand again as an Alderman.
The Chairman welcomed the newly appointed Commander of Economic Crime, Karen Baxter, who was in attendance for her first meeting of the Committee.
The Chairman thanked Simon Rilot, who was attending his last meeting of the Committee before leaving the Corporation, for his contribution to the Police Accommodation Programme.
Minutes Minutes: The Committee considered the minutes from previous meetings.</AI3>
Police Committee (24 May 2018) PDF 111 KB To agree the minutes from the last meeting, held on 24 May 2018. Minutes: The Committee considered the minutes from the last meeting, held on 24 May 2018.The Committee considered the minutes from the last meeting, held on 24 May 2018dffdfk
RESOLVED – That the minutes be approved.
Professional Standards & Integrity Sub-Committee (6 June 2018) PDF 84 KB To receive. Minutes: The Committee received the minutes from the last meeting, held on 6 June 2018.
RESOLVED – That the minutes be received.
Outstanding References PDF 93 KB Report of the Town Clerk. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out Outstanding References from previous meetings of the Committee.
A Member noted that the outstanding action relating to Barbican CCTV had been removed and requested that it be reinstated. (1)
OR8 – Recruitment of External Member The Town Clerk updated Members on the process of recruiting for an external Member of the Committee. He explained that the advertisements had been distributed, the deadline for applications was Sunday, 5 August and interviews would take place on Thursday, 23 August. The intention was to welcome the new Member to the Committee in September 2018.
A Member suggested that the recruitment process should be standardised for all recruitment of external Members, noting that the task was otherwise significant and time consuming, particularly in discovering the appropriate channels for circulation across a diverse range of the City’s community.
OR9 – Late Item Read Receipts The Chairman noted this and asked that it now be removed.
Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk that recommended the Committee make a number of internal appointments.
Economic Crime Board The Committee was asked to agree the appointment of one Member to be co-opted from the Court of Common Council. By means of a ballot, Benjamin Murphy was co-opted to the Economic Crime Board for the ensuing year.
Performance and Resource Management Sub-Committee The Town Clerk noted that there was still a vacancy for a co-opted Member of the Sub-Committee. The Chairman of the Sub-Committee asked that Members notify any Member of the court of Common Council they think may be interested.
Professional Standards and Integrity Sub-Committee The Committee was asked to agree the appointment of two Members to be co-opted from the Court of Common Council. As there were two Members who put their names forward, the Committee agreed to appoint James Tumbridge and Deputy Richard Regan. It was noted that there were two vacancies remaining for Members of the Police Committee to sit on the Sub-Committee, and that the external Member to be appointed may be invited to fill one of these.
Homelessness and Rough Sleepers Sub-Committee The Committee was asked to appoint two representatives to sit on the Homelessness and Rough Sleepers Sub (Community and Children’s Services) Committee. It was agreed to appoint Alderman Ian Luder and Tijs Broeke.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Revenue and Capital Outturn 2017/18 PDF 154 KB Joint Report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Commissioner that provided Members with an overview of CoLP’s financial outturn for 2017/18.
The Commissioner noted that the underspend of £3.5m referenced within the report was attributable to the costs yet to be paid out to Action and Know Fraud service provider. He explained that the forecast made in November 2017 was accurate, however, the nature of this programme changed over time. The Chamberlain confirmed this, noting that the £3.5m would not go into the reserves as first thought.
A Member illustrated that this required further explanation to the Finance Committee who may perceive this as mis-forecasting and asked if there was a way to inform them. The Commissioner explained that this would be reported to the Finance Committee. A Member also suggested that the accompanying infographic summarising the breakdown of CoLP’s budgets be reported to the Finance Committee. (2)
A Member noted that the Committee was promised accounting would take place on an accruals basis and, as CoLP was legally committed to the Action and Know Fraud contract, this should have been accounted for. The Chamberlain explained that as there was still an active dispute over the payments, it was not accounted for on this basis. The Chairman noted that if a payment was an obligation then it should be considered as an accrual. The Chamberlain explained that the sum was being treated as a contingent liability and confirmed that the auditors were satisfied that this was the case.
A Member noted the use of the term “achieve” in reference to the underspend sum and suggested this was inappropriate.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Joint Fraud Taskforce Update PDF 57 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided Members with an update on the Joint Fraud Taskforce (JFT).
A Member asked what the funding implications were for the national project, and whether increased demand would translate into an increased funding opportunity. The Commissioner explained the Transformation Fund bid would be attributable to this and would cover Child Abuse, Cyber, and Fraud. He explained that CoLP contributed to the Fraud Taskforce by playing a significant role and this provided the opportunity to demonstrate their work. The Chairman of the Economic Crime Board noted that CoLP’s primary contribution in this area would be through manpower rather than cash.
The Commissioner also explained that there was increased focus on the threat of Serious and Organised Crime in general rather than individual crime types.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Resolution - Suicide Prevention PDF 40 KB Resolution from the Health and Wellbeing Board. Minutes: The Committee received a resolution from the Health and Wellbeing Board that requested their consideration of the previous requests made to employ CCTV cameras on the City’s bridges in order to act as a deterrent from suicide.
The Chairman asked if the funding for such cameras would be sourced from Bridge House Estates. The Chamberlain confirmed that it would for any camera deployed on the bridges themselves, though would not for anything beyond this.
A Member noted that a camera for speeding and weight limit enforcement was deployed and run by Southwark council, and asked if this could be integrated or if it would require a separate camera to fulfil these duties. The Commander of Operations and Security explained that deploying CCTV would require not just physical construction of the cameras, but more challengingly, would require the appropriate infrastructure to be in place to connect and receive the data. She confirmed that the ambition would be to have this infrastructure in place in Q1 of 2019.
The Chairman asked what the trend of suicide rates was. The Commander of Operations explained that there was a short-term decline in suicides but a plateau in the long-term. She confirmed that there were 17 recorded in June, including attempts, not all of which were located on bridges.
The Chairman noted that CCTV provision in this regard would not simply act as a deterrent but would also provide crucial monitoring in the event that a rescue is feasible.
A Member noted that this had also been discussed by the Policy and Resources Committee approximately one year ago where it was agreed in principle. He noted that it was surprising that it had not since been followed up.
A Member explained that the Bridge House Estate had not received rationale to warrant the funding which |
Police Pension Board Annual Report PDF 82 KB Report of the Chamberlain. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Chamberlain that summarised the activities of the Police Pensions Board since its first meeting on 17 January 2017.
The Chairman of the Police Pensions Board explained that the Board was in the process of appointing a new Member, and they would attend their first meeting in October 2018.
The Chamberlain noted that the Police Pensions Board was concerned with the Pensions Scheme of Police Officers and did not include Police office staff.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Anti-Terrorism Traffic Regulation Order (ATTRO) - 2017 Review PDF 91 KB Report of the Director of the Built Environment. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment that reviewed the usage of the City’s permanent Anti-Terrorism Traffic Regulation Order. (ATTRO) during 2017.
The Director of the Built Environment explained that there had been 6 uses of the ATTRO for events, and only 2 of these were by CoLP – the Lord Mayor’s Show and Grenfell Fire Memorial Service. He noted that there had not been any for urgent incidents.
A Member commented that there was no information around timing and location of the ATTROs within the report. She noted that it would be useful to include these so that their use could be justified. The Commissioner explained that these details could not be included in a public report concerning Counter-Terrorism operations. The Town Clerk confirmed that he and the Assistant Town Clerk did challenge each use of the ATTRO to assure themselves on behalf of the authority that its use was both proportionate and necessary. He explained that the use of ATTRO around St. Paul’s was due to a threat considering attendees from the cabinet and Royal Family.
A Member suggested that there needed to be increased scrutiny on whether it was necessary to have the ATTRO available, given that they were evidently not being used for emergency incidents. The Commissioner noted that not having been deployed for any emergency incidents was not a valid justification for removing the option to do so if required, particularly with the threat from terrorism at the current levels.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Annual Report on Professional Standards Activity 2017/18 PDF 228 KB Report of the Commissioner. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided Members with a comprehensive overview of the activities relating to Police Professional Standards and Integrity over the year 2017/18.
The Commissioner explained that they were pleased with the outcomes over the year and noted a movement towards Organisational Learning with the IOPC rather than a punitive approach.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Quarterly Community Engagement Update PDF 157 KB Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided Members with an update on engagement activities across Counter-Terrorism and communications, Safeguarding and Vulnerable people, Prevention of Fraud, Anti-Social Behaviour and Policing the Roads.
The Commander of Operations and Security explained that there had been much increased collaborative working, and an information sharing agreement that would come back to the Safer City Partnership Strategy Group for approval in September 2018.
The Commander of Operations and Security explained that there had been two meetings with Portsoken Ward Members to action CoLP in ASB issues. The Chairman confirmed this and commented that this illustrated the prompt action in response to community issues as was noted by the Ward Members of Portsoken who were pleased with the outcomes.
A Member thanked the Commander of Operations and Security for their work achieved in this area and suggested it would have potential across the wider City of London.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
Special Interest Area Updates Minutes: |
SIA Update - Safeguarding and Public Protection, ICV Scheme Nicholas Bensted-Smith to be heard. Minutes: The Committee heard from the SIA Lead for Safeguarding, Public Protection and the ICV Scheme.
The SIA Lead explained that a National Vulnerability Action Plan was in place.
The SIA Lead explained that an Employers’ Initiative on Domestic Abuse had already attracted more than 170 members, and enabled employers to exchange information on best practice. The Chairman asked if there were figures that could demonstrate its effects on Domestic Abuse (5). The Commander of Operations and Security confirmed that there were measurable figures but explained that the narrative was also important to highlight progress in this area.
The SIA Lead noted that an SOS Bus had been deployed on 11 July to offer support for those consuming alcohol or drugs.
The SIA Lead asked if the lack of a usable custody suite was still an issue and the Commander of Operations and Security confirmed that a drainage issue still remained.
RESOLVED – That the SIA Lead for Safeguarding, Public Protection and the ICV Scheme be heard.
SIA Update - Accommodation and Infrastructure Deputy James Thomson to be heard. Minutes: This item was received as part of the non-public agenda, following item 18.
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Item No. Paragraph(s) in Schedule 12A 17-26 3 |
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the following meetings: Minutes: |
Police Committee (24 May 2018) To agree the non-public minutes from the last meeting, held on 24 May 2018. Minutes: |
Professional Standards & Integrity Sub-Committee (6 June 2018) To receive. Minutes: |
Non-Public Outstanding References Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: |
Police Accommodation Strategy - Decant Programme Issues Report Report of the Chamberlain, Commissioner and City Surveyor. Minutes: |
Action and Know Fraud Centre - Contract Service Budget Report of the Commissioner of Police. Minutes: |
National Enabling Programmes - Request for Delegated Authority Report of the Commissioner of Police. Minutes: |
Demand and Value for Money / Transform Update Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: |
CoLC & CoLP IT Strategy - Initial Funding Request Joint report of the Chamberlain and Commissioner. Minutes: |
City of London Police Risk Register Update Report of the Commissioner. Minutes: |
APCC Update Simon Duckworth to be heard. Minutes: |
Commissioner's Updates The Commissioner to be heard. Minutes: |
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee whilst the public are excluded Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the Committee agree should be considered whilst the public are excluded Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |