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Contact: Amanda Thompson
tel. no.: 020 7332 3414
No. | Item |
Chairman's Updates Minutes: London Planning Awards
The Chairman reported that the City of London Corporation (CoL) had been granted the esteemed Mayor’s Award for Planning Excellence, hailing the City Corporation overall winner of the most prestigious event for the planning and development sector.
The CoL also received the Mayor’s Award as recognition for their win in the Best Conceptual Project category for the wind modelling of the Eastern Cluster.
On behalf of the Committee the Chairman expressed congratulations to all those involved.
George Gillon
The Chairman reported that this would be George Gillion’s last meeting as a Member of the Committee as he was due to stand down from the Court of Common Council in March 2017.
On behalf of the Committee the Chairman expressed his sincere thanks to Mr Gillon for all his exceptional hard work and dedication to the Planning and Transportation Committee and wished him well for the future.
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Deputy Alastair Moss, Sophie Anne Fernandes, Deputy Bill Fraser, Alderman Peter Hewitt, Alderman Robert Howard, Deputy Henry Jones, Deputy Greg Jones QC, Deputy Henry Pollard, Graeme Smith, Deputy James Thomson and Michael Welbank. |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 7 February 2017. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 7 February 2017 were agreed as a correct record subject to the inclusion of apologies for absence from Deputy Henry Pollard. |
DELEGATED DECISIONS OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PDF 159 KB Report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director in respect of development and advertisement applications dealt with under delegated authority.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
Valid applications list for committee PDF 28 KB Report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director which provided details of valid planning applications received by the department since the last meeting.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted
Report of the City Surveyor Minutes: The Committee received a report of the City Surveyor providing an update in respect of the status of public lifts and escalators in the City.
In relation to the fault at the Tower Place Car Park where the lift had been out of service due to a fault on the telephone line, Members expressed concern that BT had taken thirty- seven hours to resolve the issue and asked if officers could liaise with BT regarding an enhanced service.
RESOLVED: That the report be received and its content noted.
Reports Relative to Planning Applications Minutes: |
Construction of a building arranged on three basement floors, ground and 58 upper floors plus mezzanines and plant comprising floorspace for use within Classes A and B1 of the Use Classes Order and a publicly accessible viewing gallery and facilities (sui generis); hard and soft landscaping works; the provision of ancillary servicing and other works incidental to the development. (201,449sq.m. GEA) Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer (CPO) in relation to the site of the 62 storey tower at 22 Bishopsgate which was currently being constructed.
The CPO reported that the current scheme was for a tower comprising 59 storeys at ground and above with an amended design to the top. The tapering of the upper storeys previously approved had been omitted and replaced by a flat topped lower tower. In other respects the design of the elevations remained as before. The applicants had advised that the lowering of the tower in the new proposal was in response to construction management constraints in relation to aviation safeguarding issues.
The CPO concluded that while the change in design diminished the design and visual impact of the building, the proposal accorded with the development plan as a whole, it would preserve the setting of listed buildings and preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the St Helen's Place Conservation Area, and it was acceptable subject to the imposition of conditions and to a Section 106 agreement.
Several Members spoke in support of the application which they felt was sympathetic in design and would play a supporting role in the apex of the skyline, the designers had also had to work within the constraints of air traffic control which had affected the previous application. Other Members expressed concern regarding the height of the viewing gallery which they felt could be higher, the less elegant revised design, and the number of objections received which needed to be taken into account.
Arising from the discussion the application was put to the vote, the result of which was as follows:-
17 Votes in favour of the application 4 Votes against 1 Abstention
1) Planning permission be granted in accordance |
Questions on matters relating to the work of the committee Minutes: Pedestrian crossing over Upper Thames St, Queenhithe
A Member asked why the blocked up pedestrian crossing over Upper Thames St in Queenhithe could not be opened up and used.
The Director of the Built Environment advised that the crossing was privately owned and the owners were intending to have it removed as it was unsafe. The crossing was not a public right of way so the City of London could not influence the decision.
The Member asked if it would be possible to find out who the owners were to discuss the issue and asked for a more detailing response to be provided. He further asked if they could be asked to provide more visible signage that the crossing was out of use.
Traffic Congestion
In response to a question concerning why no notice had been given of the road closure at Holborn Circus on 10 February 2017 which had resulted in serious congestion, the Director of the Built Environment advised that this had been due to a major water leak near electric power cables and a diversion had been put in place within one hour. Both TfL and neighbouring Boroughs had been made aware of the issue, temporary signage put in place, and the incident communicated through social media and the CoL website.
Several Members expressed concern that temporary signage was often inadequate and too close to the incident to enable drivers to avoid it, also social media messages wouldn’t help those driving.
Officers undertook to provide a more detailed report on the issue including an update on the introduction of ‘congestion officers’ and better methods of communication to the public.
Any other Business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of the Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED – That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Department of the Built Environment - Business Plan Progress Report for Q3 16/17 Minutes: The Committee received and noted a report of the Director of the Built Environment setting out the progress made during Q3 (October - December) against the 2016/17 Business Plan.
Old Swan Stairs, Swan Lane Essential Repairs to the Flood Defence Wall. Report of the City Surveyor. Minutes: The Sub-Committee noted a report of the City Surveyor which proposed a project for essential repairs to the flood defence wall at Old Swan Stairs, Swan Lane.
Bridge Master's House Phase II - Post Completion Works - Parapet Strengthening Report of the City Surveyor. Minutes: The Sub-Committee noted a report of the City Surveyor which sought delegated authority to the Town Clerk to consider an Issue report regarding the Bridge Master’s House – Phase 2 project.
Non-Public questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee Minutes: The non-public questions were noted. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the committee agrees should be considered whilst the public are excluded Minutes: There were no non-public urgent items of business. |