Venue: Livery Hall - Guildhall
Contact: Gemma Stokley
tel. no.: 020 7332 3414
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Introductions The Town Clerk opened the meeting by introducing herself.
A roll call of Members present was undertaken.
The Town Clerk highlighted that the meeting was being recorded as well as live streamed and would be made available on the City Corporation’s YouTube page for a period of time after the meeting had concluded. With this in mind, it was confirmed that participants in the meeting had all individually agreed and given their consent to being recorded and that all personal data would be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. The Town Clerk highlighted that, for further information on this, viewers could contact the City Corporation using the details provided on the public webpages.
The Town Clerk also reminded Members, and any members of the public observing the meeting on-line, that this was an informal meeting and that any views reached by the Committee today would therefore have to be considered by the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection or those deputising for him after the meeting in accordance with the Court of Common Council’s COVID Approval Procedure and that they would make a formal decision having considered all relevant matters. The Town Clerk highlighted that this process reflected the current position in respect of the holding of formal Local Authority meetings and the Court of Common Council’s decision of 15th April 2021 to continue with virtual meetings and take formal decisions through a delegation to the Town Clerk and other officers nominated by him after the informal meeting has taken place and the will of the Committee was known in open session. Details of all decisions taken under the COVID Approval Procedure would be available online via the City Corporation’s webpages.
Apologies for absence were received from Deputy Keith Bottomley, Sheriff Christopher Hayward, Shravan Joshi, |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda Minutes: The Chair declared a professional interest in relation to item 24 of the non-public agenda and reported that he would withdraw from the meeting whilst this matter was considered with the Deputy Chairman presiding over this. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the informal, hybrid meeting held on 29 June 2021.
Minutes: The public minutes and summary of the informal, hybrid meeting held on 29 June 2021 were considered and approved as a correct record.
MATTERS ARISING Panel Arrangements – Wider Consultation (page 9) – A Member requested a further update on this matter and what opportunities there would be for residents and other stakeholders to feed into proposals around the possible formation of Planning Panels to consider future planning applications. The Chair reported that the Policy and Resources Committee had considered this matter at their meeting earlier this month and had requested that Officers bring forward a further report examining alternative proposals to geographic panels, after having took on board the will of this Committee who voted to support the principle of panels but did not support the fixed, geographical nature of these. Alongside this, the Chair confirmed that an engagement strategy would also be worked up.
In response to a further question, the Chair underlined that this matter had already been debated extensively by this Committee and had sent a resolution outlining its thoughts to the Policy and Resources Committee. He assured Members that a further report would now be produced and presented to this Committee in due course and that there would therefore be a further opportunity for Members to vote according to their preferences. He confirmed that there would be greater clarity on this in terms of timescales post summer recess. |
Short stay public cycle parking in the City PDF 156 KB Report of the Interim Director of the Built Environment and Director of Planning and Development. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Interim Director of the Built Environment and Director of Planning and Development regarding Short Stay Public Cycle Parking in the City.
A Member commented that in the area of the City in which he resided, the majority of on-street parking was used by small traders and small commercial vehicles servicing City businesses and residents. He therefore cautioned against surrendering these spaces and sought assurances that short stay cycle parking standards would be met for all future developments. Officers responded to state that they were working towards retaining as many of the temporary cycle parking spaces that were currently in situ as possible as well as identifying new suitable locations for these. It was reported that current data suggested that these temporary spaces were already being well used but that further data would be gathered on this. It was also underlined that the report stated that any of the temporary cycle parking that was currently utilising on-street car parking spaces would only be made permanent with Member approval.
A Member referred to the figures in Table 1 of Appendix 2 as shocking and stated that she felt it was quite possible for developers to provide these spaces with adequate funding and some creative thinking. She cautioned against requesting financial contributions in lieu of providing the spaces and expressed concern that this could lead to the same issues encountered with social housing provision and difficulties for Officers in terms of identifying any appropriate locations where these additional spaces could be sited given the space requirements. The Member went on to highlight that areas of the City which had the densest amount of office accommodation had the fewest areas of cycle parking and underlined the need to introduce things such as cycle hubs and |
Gateway 3/4 - Dominant House Footbridge Future Options PDF 7 MB Report of the Director of the Built Environment. Minutes: The Committee considered a Gateway 3/4 report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding Dominant House Footbridge Future Options.
RESOLVED – That the Committee: 1. Approve Option 2 (concrete and joint repairs)
3. Approve budget to proceed to the next gateway (£18,000) |
Local Implementation Plan funded schemes 2021/22 PDF 234 KB Report of the Director of the Built Environment. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding the provision of Transport for London (TfL) Local Implementation Plan (LIP) funding to the City of London Corporation for the year 2021/22.
RESOLVED – That Members: • Approve the allocations up to the maximum set out in table 1, for the year 2021/22 • Delegate authority to the Director of the Built Environment in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chairman of the Planning & Transportation Committee and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee to allocate any additional funds which are made available by TfL in 2021/22 financial year • Delegate authority to the Director of the Built Environment to reallocate the TfL grant between the approved LIP schemes should that be necessary during 2021/22 up to a maximum of £150,000. |
Report of the Director of the Built Environment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding confirmation of the Non-Immediate Article 4 Direction to remove permitted development rights for the change of use of offices (Class E(g)(i)) to residential (Class C3).
Officers spoke to briefly summarise the context to this, stating that there was an existing Article 4 direction which had been in place for a number of years and enabled the City Corporation to retain local planning control over change of use from offices to housing in the City. The Government had now changed the wider context of this as part of their deregulation agenda. Members were reminded that this Committee had considered a report in May 2021 to replace the City’s existing Article 4 direction with a new one which would take effect as of next year. The City Corporation were bound to give a year’s notice on this to avoid any compensation liabilities and so it was therefore proposed that these steps be taken now ahead of the new direction taking effect next summer.
Officers went on to report that just ten responses had been received to the consultation on the draft direction which launched in May and that seven of these were supportive and from a wide range of significant bodies. The decision sought today was therefore about confirming the wish to take the draft direction which had been consulted on forward and providing a year’s notice of this intention so that it could take effect from 1 August 2022. Officers concluded by cautioning that the Secretary of State did have the right to intervene and amend or refine the direction, however, it was reported that his office had been consulted on the draft direction and had provided no response on this to date. Officers underlined that they would |
Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection providing a summary of pavement licences currently granted and outlining proposals to facilitate the pavement licence application process until 30 September 2022.
Officers introduced the report by stating that it amended the Al Fresco Policy to take account of proposed legislative changes under the Business and Planning Act 2020 and also national guidance. Essentially, the amendments to the policy as set out within the report extended the time limit for providing tables and chairs under the Business and Planning Act until the end of September 2022 as opposed to the end of September 2021. It was highlighted that this was still yet to have completed the parliamentary process but it was hoped that this would happen by the end of this week and ahead of the parliamentary recess. The report also asked that the ‘zero’ fee approved by Members last year be extended. Officers reported that there were approximately 84 live licences and that, introducing a fee for these would only generate around £8-9,000 in revenue, with the department actually incurring costs in terms of collecting this. Finally, it was reported that national guidance had been produced by the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure around counter-terrorism and this recommended that any existing CCTV was operational and that anyone involved with pavement licences, particularly the licence holder, should complete the ACT (Action Counter Terrorism) training. Officers were supportive of this and outlined that they did not feel that this was too onerous a task. Officers highlighted that many Members and those within the trade had questioned whether these provisions were likely to be made permanent but stated that this remained unclear at present. Officers highlighted that a document entitled ‘Build Back Better Highstreets’ released by the |
Recovery Taskforce - Update PDF 160 KB Report of the Director of Innovation and Growth. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Director of Innovation and Growth updating Members on the implementation of the recommendations of the Recovery Taskforce report: Square Mile: Future City, published in April 2021.
A Member sought assurances from Officers that the section dealing with outdoor fitness and leisure initiatives was still part of the Recovery Taskforce work. Officers were pleased to confirm that opportunities for outdoor fitness, leisure and exercise, both for individuals and as organised events, are part of the Recovery Taskforce activities and that any update on these would be provided in future reports where necessary.
RESOLVED, That Members note the progress made on the implementation of the recommendations of the Recovery Taskforce report, Square Mile:Future City. |
Revenue Outturn 2020/21 PDF 165 KB Joint report of the Chamberlain, the Director of the Built Environment, the Director of Open Spaces and the City Surveyor. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a joint report of the Chamberlain, the Director of the Built Environment, the Director of Open Spaces and the City Surveyor comparing the revenue outturn for the services overseen by the Planning and Transportation Committee in 2020/21 with the final budget for the year.
RESOLVED – That Members note the report and the carry forward of local risk underspending to 2021/22. |
Department of the Built Environment Business Plan Progress Report Q4 21/22 PDF 119 KB Report of the Director of the Built Environment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment setting out the progress made during Q4 of the 2020/21 Departmental Business Plan.
RESOLVED - That Members note the report and appendix. |
Transport Strategy: 2020/21 progress update and 2021/22 - 2023/24 Delivery Plan PDF 182 KB Report of the Director of the Built Environment. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment summarising progress with delivering the Transport Strategy in 2020/21 and setting out the Delivery Plan for 2021/22 – 2023/24.
A Member raised a question on the Beech Street and Barbican Zero Emissions Zone which, according to this report, appeared to be on hold. Officers reported that the experimental traffic order for the zero emission street on Beech Street had been the subject of two legal challenges. It was confirmed that the hearing for the second challenge – a judicial review of the decision to continue the experiment – took place on 29th and 30th June and that the City Corporation were still awaiting the judgement from this hearing.
Members were informed that the current experiment was due to conclude in September at the end of the maximum period of 18 months allowed for experimental traffic orders. It was confirmed that, due to the judgement from the first legal challenge, the experimental order could not be made permanent through the usual truncated process. It had been hoped that it would be possible (although challenging) to make a permanent order through the non-truncated process before the experimental order expired. However, an interim order issued when the judicial review was granted permission to proceed to hearing, had prevented Officers from undertaking any further work, including public consultation, on a permanent order. It was reported that Beech Street, Golden Lane and Bridgewater Street would reopen to general traffic when the current experiment concludes in September. As yet, no decisions had been made about the future plans for Beech Street, but it was highlighted that Officers remained committed to improving air quality and the public realm in this location and the surrounding area. It was reported that Officers currently intended to go out |
City Lighting Strategy - Update PDF 190 KB Report of the Director of the Built Environment. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment providing Members with an update on the Implementation of the City’s Innovative Lighting Strategy from 2018 that sought to deliver a holistic and co-ordinated approach to lighting the Square Mile.
Officers introduced the report by highlighting that it covered a number of issues such as street lighting for the public realm as well as lighting inside and outside of City buildings. It was reported that this was originally something that the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee had taken an interest in as they had been keen to understand what was being done in terms of lighting in the context of the Climate Action agenda and the target for achieving net zero for emissions in the Square Mile by 2040. The report set out enhancements to the Square Mile, the success in rolling out LED street lighting in the City and also the numbers in terms of energy and maintenance savings. Officers stated that the strategy had allowed them to ensure that they were delivering the right amount of light in the right places at the right time. They also pointed to the ability now, with modern technology, to be able to vary things such as lighting levels, timings and temperature. It had also provided the opportunity to look at localised issues and areas of crime and disorder and licensing hotspots that perhaps required additional lighting.
It was reported that a Member had corresponded with Officers prior to this meeting around the ability to adjust lighting levels to assist those such as running groups in the City after dark and, again, it was highlighted that new technology enabled Officers to address these matters much more easily.
With regard to lighting from buildings, it was highlighted that this was |
District Surveyors Annual Report 2020/21 PDF 182 KB Report of the District Surveyor & Environmental Resilience Director. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment updating them on the workings of the District Surveyor’s Officer which reports to it for the purposes of building control, engineering services for the City’s major infrastructure and to provide resilience to buildings and businesses within the Square Mile that may be affected by climatic and environmental risks.
Officers confirmed that building control had been severely affected by the pandemic over the past year with the amount of construction work being undertaken dropping off quite dramatically. Applications for here and the private sector therefore dropped by approximately 50% in comparison with normal levels. However, due to some relatively large schemes, income only fell by approximately 75%. The pandemic forced the surveying team to move to working from home which was achieved successfully, with new methods adopted for carrying out site inspections remotely. During the summer months, Officers had worked alongside the Health and Safety Team to develop a COVID secure site inspection regime this was still in operation now.
Members were informed that, in March 2021, building control lost three very experienced surveyors with over 100 years service between them due to retirement. A recruitment process had been embarked upon with one new recruit set to join the team in September. It was reported that the team had now also taken on a third technical apprentice who would be starting university in September. The office therefore continued to evolve and grow its own building control surveyors.
It was reported that the engineering team continued to be extremely busy looking after the infrastructure of the City and had completed the London Bridge waterproofing works on budget and on time and had also been monitoring Thames Tideway through the tunneling works that had now passed through the City and |
Air Quality Annual Status Report for 2020 PDF 200 KB Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection demonstrating progress with actions contained within the latest Air Quality Strategy and presenting air quality monitoring data.
RESOLVED - That Members note the contents of the Air Quality Annual Status Report for 2020. |
Outstanding Actions PDF 141 KB Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk detailing the Committee’s outstanding actions.
Report of the City Surveyor. Minutes: The Committee received a public lift report of the City Surveyor for the period 12/06/2021 – 02/07/2021.
Delegated decisions of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director PDF 120 KB Report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director providing Members detailing development and advertisement applications determined by the Interim Chief Planning Officer and Development Director or those so authorised under their delegated powers since the report to the last meeting.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Valid planning applications received by Department of the Built Environment PDF 39 KB Report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director providing Members with a list detailing development applications received by the Department of the Built Environment since the report to the last meeting.
RESOLVED – That Members note the report. |
Questions on matters relating to the work of the committee Minutes: London Wall West A Member questioned whether the Committee could be informed who the client body was for this important site which covered Bastion House and the existing Museum of London. He went on to ask for information around the scope of this work and stated that he had been informed that the team had been advised by ‘planners’ that residential accommodation should not be considered as an option here. Given the importance attached to housing and the site location, nearby to existing residential areas, the Member asked whether Officers could clarify that this advice was given and, if so, the basis for it.
The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director clarified that the developer had instigated discussions with the City’s planning team to discuss broad policy and key planning issues and scope the art of the possible on the site. He added that, as Members were well aware, the existing site was a very rich dynamic mix of uses, including the Museum, office space and retail. It was therefore the view of Officers that there was scope for a similarly dynamic mix of uses on the new site to include potentially offices, cultural uses, retail uses and residential uses. Officers did feel that this would be an appropriate site for a residential development or the inclusion of an element of residential accommodation given its close proximity to the City’s important residential communities to the immediate north of the site. Members were informed that Officers were keen to continue to explore possibilities around a richer, more dynamic mix of uses for this site with the developer although it was underlined that, if the developer were to opt to apply for an office-led development, this would not be contrary to policy.
The Member thanked the Chief Planning Officer for clarity on |
Any other Business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There were no additional, urgent items of business for consideration. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of the Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED - That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of the Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Item No(s) Paragraph No(s) 23 & 24 3 25 - 26 -
Non-public minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the hybrid meeting held informally on 29 June 2021. Minutes: The non-public minutes of the hybrid meeting held informally on 29 June 2021 were considered and approved as a correct record. |
Gateway 5 Planning & Regulatory Services Casework Management System (PRSCMS) Project Joint report of the Director of the Built Environment and the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection. Minutes: The Committee considered and approved a joint, Gateway 5 report of the Director of the Built Environment and the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection regarding the Planning & Regulatory Services Casework Management System (PRSCMS) Project. |
Non-Public questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions raised in the non-public session. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the committee agrees should be considered whilst the public are excluded Minutes: Members raised issues concerning the Bastion House/Museum of London site, Pavement Licences and associated Security Concerns and Suicide Prevention in the non-public session. |