Venue: Guildhall
Contact: Polly Dunn
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies |
Declarations by Members under the Code of Conduct in respect of any items on the agenda |
To agree the minutes of the meeting of the Court of Common Council held on 7 September 2023. |
Election of Chief Commoner To elect a Chief Commoner for 2024/25.
Two nominations have been received in accordance with Standing Order No. 18, as follows:
· Deputy Peter Dunphy · Deputy Andrien Meyers
The candidates’ supporting statements are the subject of a printed and circulated report.
(N.B. A notice listing the candidates and their nominators is on display in the Members’ Reading Room).
Vote of thanks to the Lord Mayor To read the draft terms of a Vote of Thanks to The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor. |
Letter The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor to lay before the Court a letter of the Lord Mayor Elect declaring his assent to take upon himself that Office. |
Mayoral Engagements The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor to report on his recent engagements. |
Policy Statement To receive a statement from the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee. |
Appointments To consider the following appointments:
Where appropriate:- * denotes a Member standing for re-appointment
(A) One Member on the Markets Board for a term expiring in April 2027 (No Contest) Nominations received:- Deputy Madush Gupta
(B) One Member on the Natural Environment Board and West Ham Park Committee for a term expiring in April 2025 (No Contest) Nominations received:- Deputy Alpa Raja
(C) One non-residential Member on the Barbican Residential Committee for a term expiring in April 2026 (No Contest) Nominations received:- Deputy Madush Gupta
(D) One Member on Bridewell Royal Hospital for a term expiring in October 2029 (No Contest) Nominations received:- *Caroline Haines
Policy and Resources Committee
(A) Standing Orders Revision (Ward Pairing Arrangements) To consider proposed revisions to the Standing Orders relating to Ward Pairing.
(B) Appointment of Independent Persons To consider recommendations concerning the appointment of Independent Persons. |
To consider a petition submitted by Deputy Marianne Fredericks pursuant to Standing Order No.20, relative to an officer post at a City Corporation housing estate. |
The Freedom of the City To consider a circulated list of applications for the Freedom of the City. |
Motions |
Questions |
Civic Affairs Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee To note action taken under urgency procedures in relation to hospitality provision. |
To receive a report setting out measures introduced into Parliament which may have an effect on the services provided by the City Corporation. |
Ballot Results The Town Clerk to report the outcome of the several ballots taken at the last Court: Where appropriate:- * denotes a Member standing for re-appointment; ¬ denotes appointed.
(A) ONE Member to the City of London Police Authority Board.
(B) ONE Member to the Natural Environment Board and West Ham Park Committee.
(C) TWO Members to the Board of Governors of the Museum of London
Tijs Broeke and Matthew Bell received an equality of votes in respect to the second vacancy. Tijs Broeke withdrew his nomination and Matthew Bell was duly appointed. |
Resolutions on Retirements, Congratulatory Resolutions, Memorials. |
To receive a report of the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, advising of a recent achievement. |
Docquets for the Hospital Seal. |
By the Chief Commoner That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business below on the grounds that they either involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972, or relate to functions of the Court of Common Council which are not subject to the provisions of Part VA and Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. |
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting of the Court held on 7 September 2023. |
City Bridge Foundation Board
(A)Appointment of Co-Opted Members To consider recommendations concerning the co-option of Members.
(B)Events Management Contract To consider proposals concerning a contract award.
Appointment of Co-Opted Members |
Events Management Contract |
Policy and Resources Committee To consider proposals concerning the creation of a post. |
Barbican Centre Board To consider proposals concerning the creation of two posts. |
Investment Committee To note action taken under urgency procedures in relation to the disposal of a freehold. |