The Court of Common Council is the City of London's primary decision-making body, and meets nine times per year. It works through committees, like many other local authorities, but it is unique in that it is non-party political. Its main business focuses on the reports of committees, motions and Members' questions.
There are 100 Common Councillors and 25 Aldermen representing the 25 Wards of the City of London. Each Ward elects between 2 and 10 Common Councillors, depending on the size of the electorate. The Common Councillors are elected every 4 years and the next elections will be held in March 2029.
Candidates must be 18 or over, a British, Commonwealth or European Union citizen and a Freeman of the City of London.
They must also meet one of the following criteria:
• be registered to vote on the City of London Ward Lists; or
• own freehold or leasehold in the City of London; or
• have for 12 months prior to the nomination date and until the election date of election resided in the City of London.
Support officer: Polly Dunn.
Postal address:
City of London Corporation
PO Box 270
Phone: 0207 332 1399