Venue: Guildhall
Contact: Polly Dunn
No. | Item | ||||||||
The new Chief Commoner to take his seat |
Apologies |
Declarations by Members under the Code of Conduct in respect of any items on the agenda |
To agree the minutes of the meeting of the Court of Common Council held on 7 March 2024.
To appoint the Committees until the first meeting of the Court in April 2025 and to agree the terms of reference and constitution for each Committee.
(A list of the proposed appointments, terms of reference including proposed amendments, and constitutions has been separately circulated).
(The requirement for certain Committees to have a Member with fewer than five or ten years’ service on the Court, at the time of their appointment, or where primary residence must be in the City, is currently fulfilled by the existing membership).
(Supporting statements in respect of the contested vacancies outlined below and in relation to Item 6(A) are set out immediately following the White Paper, at pages 105 to 115).
Nominations received for vacancies of varying terms:-
Where appropriate: * Denotes a Member standing for re-appointment by the Court of Common Council. ^Denotes a Member who currently serves on the Committee in either an ex-officio capacity or as a representative of another Committee with appointment rights.
(A) Five Members on the Policy & Resources Committee. (Contest) Nominations received:- *Deputy Rehana Ameer Deputy Timothy Butcher Deputy Simon Duckworth *Deputy Marianne Fredericks Steve Goodman Deputy Madush Gupta Jaspreet Hodgson ^Deputy Ann Holmes Gregory Lawrence *^Deputy Andrien Meyers ^Deputy Alastair Moss ^Ruby Sayed Naresh Sonpar Deputy Dawn Wright
(B) Three Members on the City of London Police Authority Board. (Contest) Nominations received:- *Jason Groves Deputy Madush Gupta *Alderman Timothy Hailes Jacqui Webster
(C) Three Members on the Gresham Committee (City Side). (Contest) Nominations received:- *Deputy Keith Bottomley *Deputy Charles Edward Lord Timothy McNally Deputy Alpa Raja Ruby Sayed *Philip Woodhouse
(D) Three Members on the Barbican Centre Board. (Contest) Nominations received:- Brendan Barns *^Tijs Broeke Aaron D’Souza Alderman Nicholas Lyons Deputy Alpa Raja Anett Rideg Jacqui Webster
(E) Four Additional documents: |
Appointments to Ward Committees To appoint vacancies on Ward Committees (where not all places on Ward Committees are filled by Wards, vacancies can be filled by Members of the Court), viz.:
(A) Community & Children’s Services Committee (four vacancies) (Contest) Nominations received:- Munsur Ali Dawn Frampton Steve Goodman OBE Natasha Lloyd-Owen Jacqui Webster
(B) Finance Committee (one vacancy) (No Contest) Nominations received:- Philip Woodhouse
(C) Port Health & Environmental Services Committee (one vacancy) (No Contest) Nominations received:- Deputy Elizabeth King BEM JP
(D) Culture Heritage and Libraries Committee (one vacancy) (No Contest) Nominations received:- Aaron D’Souza
Mayoral Engagements The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor to report on his recent engagements. |
Policy Statement To receive a statement from the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee. |
To consider a funding agreement relating to Central London Forward. |
Digital Services Committee To consider a Gateway 4b project report relating to the Future Network Programme. |
Motions To note action taken under urgency provision in respect of various Ward Committee appointments:
(A)By Deputy Brian Mooney “That Alderman Alastair King be appointed to the Planning & Transportation Committee with effect from 10 April 2024, in the room of Deputy Brian Mooney, for the Ward of Queenhithe.”
(B)By Deputy Brian Mooney “That Deputy Brian Mooney be re-appointed to the Planning & Transportation Committee with effect from 15 April 2024, in the room of Alderman Alastair King, for the Ward of Queenhithe.”
(C)By Deputy Elizabeth King “That Natasha Lloyd-Owen be appointed to the Planning & Transportation Committee with effect from 11 March 2024, in the room of Jacqui Webster, for the Ward of Cripplegate.”
(D)By Deputy Elizabeth King “That Natasha Lloyd-Owen be appointed to the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee with effect from 11 March 2024, in the room of Jacqui Webster, for the Ward of Cripplegate.”
(E)By Deputy Elizabeth King “That Deputy Anne Corbett be appointed to the Planning & Transportation Committee with effect from 10 April 2024, in the room of Natasha Lloyd-Owen, for the Ward of Cripplegate.”
(F) By Deputy Dawn Wright “That Deputy Dawn Wright be appointed to the Planning & Transportation Committee with effect from 10 April 2024, in the room of Michael Cassidy, for the Ward of Coleman Street.”
(G)By Deputy Randall Anderson “That Steve Goodman be appointed to the Planning & Transportation Committee with effect from 10 April 2024, in the room of Deputy Randall Anderson, for the Ward of Aldersgate.”
The Freedom of the City To consider a circulated list of applications for the Freedom of the City. |
Questions |
Ballot Results There were no ballots taken at the last Court.
City of London Police Authority Board To receive the City of London Policing Plan 2022-25 refresh. |
To consider a report of action taken concerning the 2024/25 City Fund Budget. |
To receive a report setting out measures introduced into Parliament which may have an effect on the services provided by the City Corporation. |
Resolutions on Retirements, Congratulatory Resolutions, Memorials. |
Awards and Prizes |
Docquets for the Hospital Seal. |
By the Chief Commoner That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business below on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph X of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972.
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting of the Court held on 7 March 2024. |
Policy and Resources Committee (A) US Office To consider a report relating to the City Corporation’s US Office.
(B) Staffing Matter To consider a report relating to the Creation of a Grade I Post.
US Office |
Creation of a Grade I Post |
Investment Committee To note action taken under urgency procedures in relation an asset swap. |