Venue: Guildhall
Contact: Polly Dunn
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Introduction of a Newly-Elected Member David Williams Farringdon Within Minutes: The following Member, lately elected to be of the Common Council, for the Ward mentioned, was introduced to the Court and having previously made the declaration prescribed by the Promissory Oaths Act, 1868, took their seat, viz:-
Apologies Minutes: The apologies of those Members unable to attend this meeting of the Court were noted. |
Declarations by Members under the Code of Conduct in respect of any items on the agenda Minutes: There were no additional declarations. |
To agree the minutes of the meeting of the Court of Common Council held on 20 June 2024. Minutes: Resolved - That the Minutes of the last Court are correctly recorded. |
Mayoral Engagements The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor to report on his recent engagements. Minutes: The Lord Mayor Locum Tenens provided the Court with an update on the Rt Hon. The Lord Mayor’s recent engagements.
He welcomed two visitors from the Universities of Arizona and Arizona State, both part of the London Bridge Rotary Education Scholarship.
Reference was made to the success of the national livery weekend, with thanks extended to those who helped to organise it. Congratulations were extended to the new Sheriffs-Elect, following Common Hall in June. The Lord Mayor Locum Tenens also referenced the success of the state banquet for Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan.
The Lord Mayor had visited Jersey and Guernsey, with a focus on sustainable finance, private equity and fintech. He had also visited the Netherlands, where they again discussed sustainable finance and the context of safe and ethical development of artificial intelligence.
Following the General Election, the Lord Mayor was honoured to attend the state opening of Parliament and swearing in of the Lord Chancellor.
Members had been delighted to take part in marking the 150th anniversary of West Ham Park, with an exhibition in Guildhall Yard.
The Lord Mayor and Sheriffs issued their apologies for today’s meeting as they travelled to Sheffield for the annual feast hosted by the Cutlers of Hallamshire.
Tomorrow, the Lord Mayor and Policy Chairman would be travelling to support Team GB at the Paris Olympics.
Finally, the Lord Mayor Locum Tenens wished the Court all the best for the summer recess. |
Policy Statement To receive a statement from the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee. Minutes: The Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee took the opportunity to provide a statement.
Ahead of his update, the Chairman wished to address a matter regarding the award of the Freedom to one of the City Scholars.
Accessibility arrangements for the ceremony to award them with the Freedom were not of the required standard. The City Corporation had offered its sincere apologies, both publicly and personally, to the individual involved and the Chairman had been assured that measures are being taken to ensure that this did not happen again.
The Chairman went on to notify Honourable Members of staffing news, including the appointment of a new Deputy Town Clerk and, separately, the new Senior Responsible Officer for Destination City.
Referencing the recent General Election, the Chairman underlined the City’s role as a partner for growth, working with both government and industry. He referenced recent activities that had already taken place in support of this helping to demonstrate the significant role the City plays in the economic and cultural vibrancy of our capital.
It was expected that the new government would look to agree a London Growth Plan in the coming months and commitment was made to engaging with this, setting out the key role the Square Mile plays as the engine of London’s economy. The Chairman noted how impact would extend beyond the City boundaries, bringing social and economic benefits to London and the whole country. noting the previous weekend’s 150th anniversary celebration for West Ham Park.
The Chairman drew his statement to a close by wishing Honourable Members a well-deserved and restful summer recess.
Appointments To consider the following appointments:
Where appropriate:- * denotes a Member standing for re-appointment
(A) One Member on the Audit and Risk Management Committee. (No Contest) Nominations received:- *Alderwoman Elizabeth King
(B) One Member on the Education Board. (No Contest) Nominations received:- *Alderwoman Elizabeth King
(C) One Member on the Digital Services Committee. (No Contest) Nominations received:- Deputy Timothy Butcher
(D) One Member on the Port Health and Environment Services Committee. (No Contest) Nominations received:- Henrika Priest
(E) Two Members on the Board of Governors of the City of London School. (Contest) Nominations received:- *Dominic Christian Michael Hudson Naresh Sonpar
(F) Five Members on the Board of Governors of the City of London Freemen’s School. (No contest) Nominations received:- *Alderman Christopher Makin *Philip Woodhouse
(G) Two Members on the Board of Governors of the City of London School for Girls (No contest) Nominations received:- Deputy Shravan Joshi
(H) One Member on the Community and Children’s Services Committee. (No Contest) Nominations received:- David Williams
(I) One Member on the East London NHS Foundation Trust (No Contest) Nominations received:- Ruby Sayed
(J) One Member on the Cripplegate Foundation. (No Contest) Nominations received:- Dawn Frampton
Minutes: The Court proceeded to make the following appointments, in respect of which the Town Clerk reported that the following nominations had been received:-
Where appropriate:- * denotes a Member standing for re-appointment
(A) Audit and Risk Management Committee (one vacancy). (No contest) Nomination received:- *Alderwoman Elizabeth King
Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared Alderwoman Elizabeth King to be appointed to the Audit and Risk Management Committee.
(B) Education Board (one vacancy). (No contest) Nomination received:- *Alderwoman Elizabeth King
Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared Alderwoman Elizabeth King to be appointed to the Education Board.
(C) Digital Services Committee (one vacancy). (No contest) Nomination received:- Deputy Timothy Butcher
Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared Deputy Timothy Butcher to be appointed to the Digital Services Committee.
(D) Port Health and Environmental Services Committee (one vacancy). (No contest) Nomination received:- Henrika Priest
Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared Henrika Priest to be appointed to the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee.
(E) Board of Governors of the City of London School (two vacancies) (Contest) Nominations received:- *Dominic Christian Michael Hudson Naresh Sonpar
(F) Board of Governors of the City of London Freemen’s School (five vacancies). (No contest) Nominations received:- *Alderman Christopher Makin *Philip Woodhouse
Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared Alderman Christopher Makin and Philip Woodhouse to be appointed to the Board of Governors of the City of London Freemen’s School.
(G) Board of Governors of the City of London School for Girls (two vacancies). (No contest) Nomination received:- Deputy Shravan Joshi
Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared Deputy Shravan Joshi to be appointed to the Board of Governors of the City of London School for Girls.
(H) Community and Children’s Services Committee (one vacancy). (No contest) Nomination received:- David Williams
Whereupon the Lord Mayor declared David Williams to be appointed |
Motions (A)By Deputy Ceri Wilkins “That Alderwoman Elizabeth King be re-appointed to the Finance Committee, for the Ward of Cripplegate.”
(B)By Deputy Ceri Wilkins “That Alderwoman Elizabeth King be re-appointed to the Culture Heritage and Libraries Committee, for the Ward of Cripplegate.”
Minutes: By Deputy Ceri Wilkins (A) “That Alderwoman Elizabeth King be re-appointed to the Finance Committee, for the Ward of Cripplegate.”
By Deputy Ceri Wilkins (B) “That Alderwoman Elizabeth King be re-appointed to the Culture Heritage and Libraries Committee, for the Ward of Cripplegate.”
By Deputy Charles Edward Lord (C) “To note action taken under urgency to appoint Oliver Sells KC, to the Finance Committee, in the room of George Abrahams.” |
The Freedom of the City To consider a circulated list of applications for the Freedom of the City. Minutes:
Resolutions on Retirements, Congratulatory Resolutions, Memorials. Minutes:
Resolved unanimously- That the sincere gratitude of this Court be offered to:
Susan Jane Pearson
for her dedication and service to the Ward of Cripplegate, the City Corporation, and the City of London over the past seven years.
Sue was elected to the Court of Common Council in 2017 with the highest number of votes received by any candidate across the City, an endorsement from Cripplegate constituents which was repeated during the 2022 Council election and again during the Aldermanic election in 2023.
Sue has made a huge contribution to her community and to the City more broadly. She will be particularly remembered for, and I know is rightly proud of, her work on the Planning and Transportation Committee. Sue’s background as an architect, her thoughtfulness, commitment to Cripplegate residents and her unwavering dedication to her role made her an invaluable member of that committee. Sue contributed with ideas and questions at every meeting she attended and her absence will be greatly felt.
Sue also served on a number of other committees, including the Community and Children’s Services and Finance Committees; the Capital Buildings Board; the Board of Governors of the City of London School for Girls; the Mitchell City of London Charity and Educational Foundation; and the Cripplegate Foundation Ltd.
She served on the Barbican Residential Committee for her entire seven years as an elected member; for two of those years as an adept and knowledgeable Deputy Chair. Sue cares passionately about the role residents have to play in the City and has worked tirelessly to support her constituents, including campaigning for increased funding for the City’s social housing estates and successfully working with colleagues to campaign for the repeal of section 618 of the Housing Act 1985.
Over the last seven years, Sue’s support for City |
Questions Minutes: Engagement with the new Government Jason Groves asked a question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee seeking an update on the key topics the City Corporation was engaging with to support His Majesty’s missions and legislative programmes, as set out in the King’s speech.
In reply the Chairman explained that the advantage of the City Corporation being politically independent, means it can work effectively with the elected Government of the day to support the UK domestically and internationally. He noted that the City had already engaged with Ministers on their portfolios and looked forward to working together during their term.
The Chairman outlined the Government’s five missions to rebuild Britain and what the City was doing in support of these.
First, kickstart economic growth. The Chairman referenced the measures captured in the Vision for Economic Growth. These measures would deliver high skilled jobs, opportunities and economic growth right across the UK and the City Corporation would continue to lobby for these recommendations. The Chairman also welcomed pensions reforms and creation of a national wealth fund.
Second, make Britain a clean energy superpower. The Chairman referred to the considerable work on Green Finance and transition finance review.
Third, take back our streets. The Chairman signposted the local and national responsibilities of the City of London Police, highlighting their role as the national lead on fraud, economic and cyber-crime.
Fourth, breaking down barriers. Progress Together was an independent taskforce looking at improving socio-economic diversity at senior levels in UK financial and professional services). The Chairman also referenced the Women Pivoting to Digital Taskforce, which addresses under representation to women in digital careers.
Finally, build an NHS fit for the future. The Finance and Insurance professional services industry generated £110bn in taxation annually. This made a significant contribution |
City of London Police Authority Board To receive the 2023/24 Annual Report of the City of London Police. Additional documents: Minutes: CITY OF LONDON POLICE AUTHORITY BOARD
(Tijs Broeke) 3 July 2024 City of London Police: Annual Report 2023/24 The Court received the City of London Police Annual Report 2023/2024 containing information on crime, financial and staff statistics, as well as a summary of the year.
In introducing the report, the Chair noted the Board’s gratitude for the past Chair, Deputy James Thomson, for his steadfast commitment during his tenure. He then went on to remark on various areas of the Force’s work, including counterterrorism, Safer City Partnership, tackling violence against women and girls, victim support, estate programme and new fraud reporting service.
Resolved – That the report be received and its contents noted.
Digital Services Committee To note action taken under urgency procedures in relation to an IT network replacement project. Minutes: DIGITAL SERVICES COMMITTEE
(Deputy Dawn Wright) 4 July 2024 Report of Urgent Action Taken: Future Network Programme – Gateway 4b The Court received a report concerning action taken under urgency procedures.
Resolved – That the report be received and its contents noted. |
Legislation There is no report. Minutes: There was no report. |
Ballot Results There were no ballots taken at the last Court. Minutes: There were no ballots at the last Court. |
Docquets for the Hospital Seal. Minutes: There were no docquets. |
Awards and Prizes Minutes: There was no report. |
By the Chief Commoner That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business below on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph X of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972.
Minutes: Resolved – That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business below on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph (s) 2 and 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act, 1972; or relate to functions of the Court of Common Council which are not subject to the provisions of Part VA and Schedule 12A of that Act.
Summary of exempt items considered whilst the public were excluded:-
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting of the Court held on 20 June 2024. Minutes: Resolved – That the non-public minutes of the last Court are correctly recorded. |
Policy and Resources Committee (A) City’s Wholesale Markets Co-location Programme – Delivery Review Update To consider proposals relating to the Markets Co-Location Programme.
(B) City of London Corporation: Revised Sponsorship Agreement between the City of London Academy Trust (CoLAT) and City of London Corporation To consider proposals relating to the City of London Academies Trust. Minutes: |
Markets Co-Location Programme Minutes: POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE
(Deputy Christopher Michael Hayward) 11 July 2024 Markets Co-Location Programme The Court considered a report relating to the Markets Co-Location Programme. Specifically, the report proposed the cessation of the current proposed markets building on the Dagenham Dock site, whilst the City Corporation examines all options for a more affordable and sustainable solution. |
City of London Academies Trust Sponsorship Agreement Minutes: 11 July 2024 City of London Corporation: Revised Sponsorship Agreement between the City of London Academy Trust (CoLAT) and City of London Corporation The Court considered and approved proposals relating to a revised Sponsorship agreement between the City of London Academy Trust and City of London Corporation.
Digital Services Committee and Finance Committee To consider proposals relating to the ongoing Enterprise Resource Planning Programme. Minutes: The Court considered and a Gateway 4b report concerning the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Service Integrator Procurement Stage 2 Award, including a request to increase the programme budget, the appointment of the preferred contractor and permission to progress the project in line with the City Corporation’s Projects Procedure. |
Community and Children's Services Committee To consider proposals relating to window replacement programmes. Minutes: The Court considered a report of the Community and Children’s Services Committee concerning a programme of window replacement and common parts redecorations across the City Corporation’s housing estates, including Golden Lane, Holloway, Dron House, Sydenham Hill, William Blake and Windsor House, but with specific proposals in relation to the Southwark Estates
Commissioner of the City of London Police Recruitment To receive a report relating to the recruitment process for the Commissioner of the City of London Police. Minutes: Members received a report providing notice of the City of London Police Commissioner vacancy. In accordance with the Member-Led Recruitment Policy, the report also detailed the planned recruitment campaign, as approved by the City of London Police Authority Board. |