Venue: City of London Freemen's School, Ashtead Park, Surrey, KT21 1ET
Contact: Jayne Moore Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Deputy Woodhouse, Alderman Graves, Deputy Everett, Graham Packham, and Nicholas Bensted-Smith.
The meeting was chaired by the Deputy Chairman Michael Hudson. |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda Minutes: There were no declarations. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 24 November 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED, That the public minutes of the meeting of 24 November 2021 be approved as an accurate record of the proceedings. |
Academic & Personnel PDF 75 KB To receive the draft public minutes of the Academic & Personnel Committee of 04 February 2022. Minutes: The Board received the draft public minutes of the Academic & Personnel Committee meeting of 04 February 2022. |
Finance, General Purposes, and Estates PDF 99 KB To receive the draft minutes of the Finance, General Purposes, and Estates Sub Committee meeting of 04 February 2022. Minutes: The Board received the draft public minutes of the meeting held on 04 February 2021 of the Finance, General Purposes, and Estates Sub Committee. |
Annual review of Terms of Reference PDF 228 KB To consider the annual review of the Committee’s Terms of Reference. Additional documents:
RESOLVED, That the Board agree the following:
- The terms of reference of the Board (as set out in Appendix 1) for consideration by the Policy and Resources Committee and Court of Common Council, to include the following: o Calculation of all lengths of terms of service (in respect of the 12-year rule) start at April 2022 o Service as Chair and/or Deputy Chair is not factored into calculations of length of service o Count of Aldermen (one) to be included in the count of Common Councillors - That the current frequency of meetings and its composition as per the revised terms of reference is appropriate - To delegate authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, to consider any further changes to the Terms of Reference for 2022/23; and - To conduct a review after five years at the latest.
The meeting noted that Governors seeking re-election should submit their application to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman. |
Deputy Head's Report on Policies PDF 159 KB To consider the report of the Deputy Head. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board received the report of the Deputy Head.
A Member asked about the circumstances under which a drugs search dog might be used, and the meeting heard that a dog was used about once a year, and that such an event was communicated as being part of the School’s usual practice.
A Member asked how often urine/hair samples were requested where relevant, and the meeting heard that the frequency varied but would usually be twice a year though there had been no reason to request such a sample for three years.
RESOLVED, That Members approve these two policies: Careers, Drugs and Drug Testing; and also the Missions and Aims of the School.
To receive the report of the Headmaster. Additional documents: Minutes: Governors noted the report of the Headmaster.
Governors noted that the standing item in relation to the wider impact of Brexit was no longer relevant and agreed that it should be removed.
RESOLVED, That Governors agree to the Community and Partnership Annual Officers’ annual report being sent to the Education Board.
Report of the Head of the Junior School PDF 194 KB To receive the report of the Head of the Junior School. Minutes: Governors received the report of the Head of Junior School. |
To consider the report of The Chamberlain and of the Bursar. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED, that Governors review and approve the registers and confirm that they satisfactorily set out the risks facing the charities, and that there are appropriate measures in place to mitigate those risks. |
Outstanding actions PDF 128 KB To receive the list of outstanding actions. Minutes: Governors received the list of outstanding actions.
Governors noted that item 2NP/CLFS/2021 had now been completed and that further measures had been taken to prevent repeat incidents of allergic reactions. |
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: The Chair expressed his gratitude to three Board members not seeking re-election at the March 2022 elections: John Bennett (who served as Chairman for four years), Tracey Graham (particularly her support with Bursar interviews), and Deputy Elizabeth Rogula (particularly for her support on safeguarding issues).
The Board congratulated those three Members, and reiterated their thanks.
The Board noted that future Board and Sub Committee meetings would not be live-streamed on YouTube and would not be split into public and non-public sections, noting also that a Teams facility would continue to be available for remote participation.
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There was no other business. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED, That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 24 November 2021. Minutes: Governors considered the non-public minutes of the meeting of 24 November 2021. |
Academic & Personnel To receive the draft non-public minutes of the Academic & Personnel Sub Committee meeting of 04 February 2022. Minutes: The Board received the draft non-public minutes of the meeting of the Academic & Personnel Committee meeting of 04 February 2022. |
Finance, General Purposes, and Estates To receive the draft non-public minutes of the Finance, General Purposes, and Estates Sub Committee meeting of 04 February 2022. Minutes: The Board received the draft non-public minutes of the meeting of the Finance, General Purposes, and Estates Committee of 04 February 2022. |
Headmaster's Report To receive the report of the Headmaster. Minutes: The Board received the Headmaster’s report. |
Proposed 2022/23 Revenue Budget To consider the report of The Chamberlain and of the Bursar. Minutes: Governors considered the proposed 2022/23 budget.
Report of the Bursar To consider the report of the Bursar. Minutes: Governors received the report of the Bursar. |
Report of action taken To receive the report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: Governors received the report of the Clerk. |
Charities Review Recommendations - CLFS Bursary Fund and Charities administered ICW CLFS Minutes: |
Non-Public Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the Board Agrees Should be Considered whilst the Public are Excluded Minutes: |