Venue: Committee Rooms, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Xanthe Couture 020 7332 3113
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Alderman Sir Michael Bear.
The Town Clerk advised the Committee that the meeting was inquorate and therefore any decisions would have to be ratified at the next quorate meeting of the Committee.
The Committee welcomed Kate Limna, who was replacing Paul Matthews as the City’s Corporate Treasurer. Paul would be retiring from the City of London Corporation at the end of March.
Objects To note the objects of the Sir William Coxen Trust Fund. Minutes: The objects of the Sir William Coxen Trust were noted. |
Minutes To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 7 May 2013. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held 7th May 2013 were approved, subject to ratification at the next quorate meeting of the Committee.
Letters of Thanks To receive the following letters of thanks for grants of money agreed at the last meeting.
· Action Medical Research for Children · Brainwave · Chailey Heritage Foundation · Demand · Event Mobility Charitable Trust · Handicapped Children’s ‘Action’ Group · National Osteoporosis Society · Osteopathic Centre for Children · PACE · Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People · Scat Bone Cancer Trust · Spinal Injuries Association · Strongbones Children’s Charitable Trust · The Jennifer Trust for Spinal Muscular Atrophy · The Oswestry Bone Cancer Appeal · Treloar’s Enabling Education · Whizz-Kidz
Minutes: Letters of thanks for grants of money agreed at the meeting held on the 7th May 2013 were noted. |
Applicant Matrix To receive a report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: The Applicant Matrix was received by the Committee.
Members remarked that it would be helpful if in future, if when the Town Clerk wrote to applicants who were unsuccessful, to advise them to be more specific on their request for funding and alignment with the objectives of the Trust.
To consider a report of the Chamberlain relative to a review of the investment portfolio.
Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Chamberlain which updated Members on the investment performance of the Income Fund. Income received during 2012/13 amounted to £111,815.
The Chamberlain informed Members that due to estimated dividend and interest income in 2013/14 and an adequate reserve having been established, the Trust could allocate up to £75,000 in grants at this meeting.
Financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2013 To consider a report of the Chamberlain Minutes: The Committee received the financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2013 that had been audited by Deloitte.
Applications for a Grant of Money To consider the following applications for a grant of money.
· ABF The Soldiers’ Charity · Action Medical Research for Children · Arthritis Research UK · Action for Kids · Bobath Centre · Brainwave · Children’s Hope Foundation · Children with Cancer UK · Christian Mercy Foundation · Dyspraxia Foundation · Fairfield Future · MERU · Motability · PACE · Perthes Association · Rose Road Association · Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Appeal · Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity · The Air Ambulance Service · The Child Care Action Trust · The Children’s Hospital Charity · The Orthopaedic Institute Limited · The Movement Centre · The Stagecoach Charitable Trust
Minutes: ABF Soldier’s Charity RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.
Action Medical Research for Children RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.
Arthritis Research UK RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.
Action for Kids RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.
Bobath Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy RESOLVED: That a grant of £2,000 be awarded.
Brainwave RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.
Children’s Hope Foundation RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.
Children with Cancer UK RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.
Christian Mercy Foundation RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.
Dyspraxia Foundation RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.
Fairfield Future RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.
MERU RESOLVED: That a grant of £3,000 be awarded.
Motability RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.
PACE RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.
Perthes Association RESOLVED: That a grant of £4,000 be awarded.
Rose Road Association RESOLVED: That a grant of £3,000 be awarded.
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital RESOLVED: That a grant of £7,500 be awarded.
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity RESOLVED: That a grant of £3,000 be awarded.
The Air Ambulance Service RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.
The Child Care Action Trust RESOLVED: That a grant of £4,500 be awarded.
The Children’s Hospital Charity RESOLVED: That no grant would be awarded on this occasion.
The Orthopaedic Institute Limited RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.
The Movement Centre RESOLVED: That a grant of £5,000 be awarded.
The Stagecoach Charitable Trust RESOLVED: That a grant of £3,000 be awarded.
The total of the grants awarded amounted therefore to £65,000, subject to ratification |
Date of Next Meeting To agree that the date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 6 May 2014 at 10:30am. Minutes: The date of the next meeting was approved as Tuesday 6May 2014 at 10:30am, subject to ratification at the next quorate meeting of the Committee.
Any Other Business Minutes: There were no urgent items of business. |