Venue: Parliament Hill Conference Room, Parliament Hill Staff Yard, Parliament Hill Fields, Hampstead Heath, NW5 1QR
Contact: David Arnold Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Stewart Purvis (Vale of Health Society) and John Weston (Hampstead Conservation Area Advisory Committee). |
Members' Declarations Under the Code of Conduct in Respect of Items on This Agenda Minutes: There were none. |
To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2015. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on Monday 9 November 2015 be agreed.
Matters Arising |
Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum Minutes PDF 300 KB To receive the public minutes of the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum meeting held in February 2016. Minutes: |
Superintendent's Update PDF 162 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.
Minutes: |
Hampstead Heath Ponds Project Update PDF 97 KB Joint report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath and the Ponds Project Director. Minutes: The Committee received a joint report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath and the Ponds Project Director regarding the progression of the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project. The Superintendent provided the following updates:- · Earthworks had started at Model Boating Pond (MBP) and it was expected to take around two weeks to remove the remaining silt; · One Alder tree had been removed by MBP to allow for the Kenwood Ladies’ Pond building to be brought onto site; · Desilting at Viaduct was halted due to debris in the pond so the Project Team were looking into the best way to de-silt this pond, which would take place once works at the Kenwood Ladies’ Pond had been completed; · Hampstead No. 1 was due to be finished by Easter; and · Hampstead No. 2 was due to be finished by mid-April.
In response to a member’s (Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee) question, the Superintendent assured that works would not be carried out during the Easter Bank Holiday weekend and that staff would be mindful of vehicle movements during the Easter School Holiday period.
RESOLVED – That the progress of the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project be noted. |
Hampstead Heath - Café Tender Process PDF 312 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that provided details about the process and progress with regard to the retendering of the Hampstead Heath Cafés at Parliament Hill Fields, Parliament Hill Lido, and Golders Hill Park.
In response to members’ questions, the Constabulary and Queen’s Park Manager advised that applicants were asked how sustainably they would deliver products and whether or not it would be locally produced, as part of the bid quality criteria. Quality was also evaluated by carrying out market-testing of applicants’ products, sample menus and proposed prices. He added that the decision to evaluate bids based on 55% quality and 45% price (meaning rent payable, not the proposed price of products to be sold at the Café) was made in consultation with the procurement team and expert consultants. Some members suggested that the evaluation of bids should be based on a higher proportion of quality during future tendering processes.
In response to a member’s (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents’ Association) question, the Constabulary and Queen’s Park Manager advised that applicants who bid for more than one Café were still treated as singular, separate bidders for each site. Any potential benefits of having one applicant occupy all five Cafés to the City of London Corporation were not taken into account.
Members noted that the results of the successful applicants at each Café would be announced after a decision had made by the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood & Queen’s Park Committee on 14 March 2016. Members were encouraged to provide feedback about the management and performance of each Cafés during the coming months.
RESOLVED – That the progress made in the retendering of the North London Open Spaces Cafés be noted. |
Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that outlined the progress made with the Sports Projects and Programmes Board; specifically with regard to the development of a strategic partnership approach with the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). Members were advised that the LTA would assist in the provision of a new online booking system, including a mobile app to be launched in May 2016, and support for the Heath’s tennis coach. Staff would still be available on site to assist users unable to use an online system.
In response to a member’s (Representative of Clubs using the Heath) question, the Superintendent explained that the LTA partnership would contribute £20,000 worth of departmental savings as part of the Service Based Review. An additional report regarding the savings achieved at all sites and facilities across the North London Open Spaces would be submitted to a future Consultative Committee meeting.
In response to a member’s (Barnet Mencap) question, the Constabulary and Queen’s Park Manager advised that the LTA would assist the Heath’s tennis coach with the development of a training programme for disabled users.
The Superintendent added that figures for the use of the Heath tennis courts during the past three years could be provided after the meeting.
RESOLVED – That:- a) The progress made by the Sports Programme and Project Board be noted; and b) The partnership approach with the LTA be supported. |
Hampstead Heath Management Plan Review PDF 95 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: |
Questions Minutes: |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: |
Date of Next Meeting To note the date of the next meeting to be held on 27 June 2016. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the date of the next meeting, to be held on Monday 27 June 2016, be noted. |