Contact: Leanne Murphy Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Simon Taylor, John Weston, Harunur Rashid and Sharleen McGee. |
Declarations by Members of Any Personal and Prejudicial Interests in Respect of Items on This Agenda Minutes: There were none. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 18 May 2020 Minutes: The public minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2020 were approved as a correct record.
Matters Arising
The Chair noted the request from Members at the last meeting for a legal note on the status of the Consultative Committee. Members were advised that Heath and Hampstead Society sought more time to write directly to the Chair setting out a very specific element of their argument in relation to the role of the HHCC in light of the discussions in Parliament regarding the 2018 Act. On receipt of this letter, Officers would engage with the Remembrancer and Director of Open Spaces.
Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen's Park Committee Minutes PDF 151 KB To receive the draft public minutes of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen's Park Committee meeting held on 3 June 2020. Minutes: The public minutes of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee (HHHWQPC) meeting held on 3 July 2020 were received. |
Cyclical Works Programme Bid 2021/22 PDF 115 KB Report of the City Surveyor. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report of the City Surveyor setting out a provisional list of cyclical projects being considered for the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Division in 2021/22 under the umbrella of the Cyclical Works Programme (CWP).
The Chair highlighted that the bid was less than in previous years. Members were advised that City’s Cash was approximately £6m per year which was used to maintain corporate properties across the Division. Projects were scored and funded based on health and safety priority and securities scores. Members were concerned by the significant drop in funding and the impact this would have on scheduled projects. Members were advised that cyclical projects would be maintained and that 2020 was an exceptional year in terms of high priority projects.
A Member (Friends of Kenwood) enquired how the Fundamental Review and the City's commitment to big projects pre-Covid would affect the Open Spaces department. The Director of Open Spaces explained that a full review of the financial position of all departments was taking place to understand the impact of the pandemic. Estimates were being produced with a plan to report in October together with the findings from the Fundamental Review, i.e. sustainable budgets, income generation, etc, to enable the organisation as a whole to re-examine its priorities. Optimising income streams, producing sustainable streams and completing key projects remained a priority for the Department. It was noted that capital projects were separate and would be looked at separately.
A Member (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents' Association) noted that surveys were a concern raised by the HHCC last year and were assured that these would continue. The Member was concerned that there would no longer be enough money to ensure proper surveys continued. The Director informed Members that the Epping Forest & Commons Committee were also |
Superintendent's Update PDF 143 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered an update report of the Superintendent and the following headlines and comments were made:
· There has been a huge uptake in tennis participation in 2020 with increases of 196% for Golders Hill, 254% for Queen’s Park and 150% for Parliament Hill for the period 16 May–30 June compared to the same period in 2019.
· The Superintendent updated Members on three planning applications:
o Boncara, 35 Templewood. A planning representation had been made regarding the basement and its impact on a nearby veteran tree.
o Jack Straws Castle. A planning representation was submitted by the City Corporation regarding the impact of massing, traffic and parking.
o Lido Temporary Fence. Members were advised that Camden had requested additional information concerning the Corporation’s application for a temporary fence for 3 months per year for the Lido.
· The Superintendent commended staff and Managers who had been working double shifts and praised the community groups and volunteers in responding to requests for help with issues such as waste and recycling. The Chairman endorsed this and welcomed more recruits via Heath Hands whilst emphasising that participants should use gloves and other protective equipment to ensure their safety.
· The car parks set aside space at Royal Free – now returned to heath.
· All public toilets and cafés have now re-opened with playgrounds and trails reopening slowly to ensure safety.
· A Member queried if the Corporation had any input into the Millfield Lane road restrictions. The Superintendent confirmed the team had not inputted but the Fitzroy Park Residents Association had been in touch with Camden as it felt this needed revisiting and Officers were keeping note of developments.
The Merton Lane scheme was in need of amendment and a meeting had been scheduled with Camden this week to discuss further. The Chairman had been in touch |
Hampstead Heath Swimming Covid-19 Temporary Arrangements PDF 112 KB Report of the Director of Open Spaces. Additional documents:
Minutes: Unfortunately, swimming was still outside of the Step 3 of Covid recovery, but Swimming England were hopeful for an announcement this week. The industry generally had pushed for more information, as they would need time to mobilise. Hampstead Heath been working in anticipation of this and putting sensible measures in place. There had been learning from 2 recent trials; i.e. – a small test and then at operating capacity and officers were waiting on Government guidance before undertaking any further tests. Staff were engaging with swimmers who needed assistance and might have access difficulties. Members noted that the season ticket scheme had been suspended and would be reinstated as soon as possible.
The ticket office at Parliament Hill was now open for visitors or for telephone enquiries for those without internet access.
The Chair commended the amount of work done and was disappointed at the date being moved back. The Chair has written to the Secretary of State and copied in the Chair of the All-party Swimming Group. There had not been a response as yet, but hopeful other swimming organisations would follow suit. Members noted that, despite the pro-active work and preparations, the guidance was essential. It was noted that staff would need additional support in dealing with some behaviours, particularly in the early stages and the Heath must be seen to take enforcement action where necessary.
The Superintendent endorsed this and confirmed that the booking system had been designed to cover weather fluctuations. Banners and signage would be positioned in respect of pre booking and press releases and articles had explained this further. Lifeguards had been stationed since March and additional security guards were patrolling the bathing ponds at night. This had assisted the Constabulary, which had been considerably overstretched of late and the Superintended confirmed |
Questions Minutes: |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: Erosion would need needs to be looked at in terms of Annual Work programme and this was apparent at path edges, due to visitors social distancing. There would be a full study on compaction and erosion and temporary fencing was suggested for the most affected areas. The Supt. Confirmed that more fencing would be required to guarantee recovery over winter and spring.
Dartmouth Plan Conservation Area would forward its Neighbourhood Plan to the TC and Chairman for consideration at the next meeting.
There had been less Oak Processionary Moth nests this year and the Heath Hands volunteers were thanked for their assistance. There would 2/3 more weeks of surveying and then more nests will be removed. Members noted that the presence of a parasitic fly may have kept the numbers down and officers hoped to report a further reduction by the next meeting.
End 6.56
Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting is 19 October 2020. Minutes: |