Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Rooms, West Wing, Guildhall, London, EC2

Contact: Rakesh Hira
tel. no.: 020 7332 1408  Email:

No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Deputy John Barker, Paul Hughes and Sheriff & Deputy Wendy Mead.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Declarations by members of any personal or prejudicial interests in respect of items on this agenda


Alderman David Graves declared his personal interest as his daughter is at the Junior Guildhall (this was a standing declaration).


Deputy Catherine McGuinness declared her personal interest as a Trustee of the Guildhall School Development Fund, Chair of Governors of the City Academy - Hackney, a past association with both Junior Guildhall and the London Schools Symphony Orchestra as a parent of a participant, and a potential interest in being a parent of a prospective student (this was a standing declaration).


Katharine Lewis declared her personal interest as her relative was a prospective student (this was a standing declaration).


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Orders of the Court of Common Council, 19 April 2012 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To receive the Order of the Court of Common Council, 19 April 2012, appointing the Committee and approving its Terms of Reference (copy attached).

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 3.


The Orders of the Court of Common Council appointing the Committee and approving its terms of reference were received.


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama - School and New Court Appointments

To note that the Guildhall School Governors are as follows:-


(i)            Principal of the Guildhall School for the time being

                        Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Hon FRAM BA (Hons) PhD ALCM

(ii)           Academic Member of the School Staff elected by the School’s Academic Staff – Pamela Lidiard

(iii)          Non-Academic Member of School Staff Elected by School Administrative Staff – Katharine Lewis

(iv)         Guildhall School Student Representative

                        Josh Chapman, President of the Students’ Union 2011/2012

                        Mr Chapman’s Term as President of The Students’ Union will expire                                  on 25 May 2012

(v)          6 Co-opted Governors

(vi)         11 Common Council Members; Ann Pembroke and Deputy John Barker were recently elected by the Court of Common Council.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 4.


RESOLVED – That the following Guildhall School Governors be noted:    

(i)            Principal of the Guildhall School for the time being

                        Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Hon FRAM BA (Hons) PhD ALCM FRCM

(ii)           Academic Member of the School Staff elected by the School’s Academic Staff – Pamela Lidiard

(iii)          Non-Academic Member of School Staff Elected by School Administrative Staff – Katharine Lewis

(iv)         Guildhall School Student Representative

                        Josh Chapman, President of the Students’ Union 2011/2012

            Mr Chapman’s Term as President of The Students’ Union will expire on 31 July 2012

(v)          6 Co-opted Governors

(vi)         11 Common Council Members; Ann Pembroke and Deputy John Barker were recently elected by the Court of Common Council.



 ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Election of Chairman

To elect a Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 29.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 5.


Governors proceeded to elect a Chairman pursuant to Standing Order No. 29.  The Town Clerk read out a list of Governors eligible for the Chair, and Alderman David Graves, being the only Governor who signified a willingness to serve was duly declared Chairman for the ensuing year and took the Chair.


Alderman David Graves welcomed Ann Pembroke and Deputy John Barker on joining the Board and thanked Deputy Michael Welbank and Tom Hoffman for their contribution and hard work whilst serving as Governors.


Board of govErnors of the guildhall school of music & drama



THAT at the conclusion of his three year term of office as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama, his colleagues wish to convey to



their sincere thanks and appreciation for the extraordinary dedication and interest he has shown in all aspects of the work of the Board and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.


SINCE his election in May 2009, he has shown an exceptional capacity to deal with matters which impact on the School and the Board. He has shown great dedication to ensuring that the School maintains its status as a World Class Conservatoire.


HIS tenure has seen a period of transformation for the School, which commenced with the Browne Review and the shift of funding from grants to institutions, to loans for students.  He showed great care and leadership in steering the Board through the various audit and corporate governance reviews that were required, with the School receiving the highest level of endorsement following the full institutional audit by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).


HE has been active in the work of the School and has contributed to the hard work of ensuring that the recently embarked upon major building project, Milton

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Election of Deputy Chairman

To elect a Deputy Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No. 30.

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 6.


Governors proceeded to elect a Deputy Chairman pursuant to Standing Order No. 30.  The Town Clerk read out a list of Governors eligible to become Deputy Chairman, and Deputy John Bennett, being the only Governor who signified a willingness to serve was duly declared Deputy Chairman for the ensuing year.


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Appointment of Sub Committees for 2012/2013 pdf icon PDF 208 KB

Report of the Town Clerk (copy attached).

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 7.


A report of the Town Clerk setting out the appointment of the Audit & Risk Management, Remuneration, Nominations, Reference Sub, Finance & Resources and Governance & Effectiveness Committees for 2012/2013 was considered.


            It was noted that those Members who attended the Board meetings in a non-voting advisory capacity were welcome to attend the Sub Committees if they so wished.


RESOLVED – That the 2012/13 membership of the Sub Committees be noted/approved as follows:


a) the membership of the Audit & Risk Management Committee be approved as follows:

            - Neil Constable

            - Sheriff & Deputy Wendy Mead

            - Alderman Fiona Woolf

            - Vacancy

            - Vacancy


The appointment of the Chairman of the Audit & Risk Management Committee, who is required to be appointed by the Board, would be considered under delegated authority by the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.


b) the membership of the Remuneration Committee be approved as follows:

            - Chairman of the Board for the time being – Alderman David Graves

            - Deputy Chairman of the Board for the time being – Deputy John Bennett

            - The Principal of the Guildhall School for the time being – Professor Barry Ife

            - Sir Andrew Burns

            - Neil Constable

            - Paul Hughes

            - Pamela Lidiard

            - Jeremy Simons


c) the membership of the Nominations Committee be approved as follows:

            - Chairman of the Board for the time being – Alderman David Graves

            - Deputy Chairman of the Board for the time being – Deputy John Bennett

            - The Principal of the Guildhall School for the time being – Professor Barry Ife

            - Christina Coker

            - Paul Hughes

            - Pamela Lidiard - as a senior member of the Academic staff

            - Sheriff & Deputy Wendy Mead

            - Jeremy Simons

- Alderman Fiona Woolf

            - Vacancy (Co-opted Governor)


d) the membership of the Reference Sub

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 273 KB

To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 20 February 2012 (copy attached).

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 8.


The public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 20 February 2012 were approved.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Minutes of the Finance & Resources Committee pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 15 February 2012 (copy attached).

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 9.


The public minutes and summary of the Finance & Resources Committee meeting held on 15 February 2012 were received.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Minutes of the Nominations Committee pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 23 April 2012 (copy attached).


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 10.


The public minutes and summary of the Nominations Committee meeting held on 23 April 2012 were received.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Minutes of the Taught Degree Awarding Powers Sub Committee pdf icon PDF 128 KB

To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 25 April 2012 (copy attached).

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 11.


The public minutes and summary of the Taught Degree Awarding Powers Sub Committee meeting held on 25 April 2012 were received.


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Principal's General Report pdf icon PDF 266 KB

Report of the Principal (copy attached).

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 12.


A report of the Principal which provided Governors with an update on the general issues as outlined below was considered:


  • Recent prize winners
  • Recruitment and admissions 2012/13
  • Fees and funding 2013/14
  • Recruitment 2013/14
  • Taught degree awarding powers (TDAP)
  • 2010/11 Annual Report
  • Enterprise
  • UEA development proposal


The Principal explained that offers and acceptances continued to look strong and that the School was confident that it would reach its target for the 2012/13 intake and that from November 2012 auditions would be held at the HK Cultural Centre. It was noted that the TDAP Sub Committee had agreed that the School should apply for TDAP to the Privy Council and that the outcome as to whether the application had been accepted and whether a scrutiny process would be taken forward would be known by June 2012. In relation to the UEA development it was noted that detailed work would be undertaken to look at the under-18 service before looking at the possibility of operating in Norwich; a report would be submitted to the September Board meeting.




 ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Board of Regularisation Update pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Report of the Town Clerk (copy attached).

 ...  view the full agenda text for item 13.


A report of the Town Clerk clarifying the recent changes to the Board’s membership following its realignment with the Guildhall School’s Instrument and Articles of Government was considered.


A discussion took place and it was noted that changes to the Board’s membership, by way of an application to the Privy Council, would potentially be made in the future and that the issues would first be considered at the Governance & Effectiveness Sub Committee with a report then being submitted to the Board. The main issues which would be considered would be the status of co-opted Governors, the quorum, and the possibility of allowing the Chairmen of the Barbican Centre Board and the Culture, Heritage & Libraries Committee to become full Board Governors.




 ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board


Guildhall School Student Representative


It was noted that this would be Josh Chapman’s last meeting, as a new President of the Students’ Union for 2012/13 would be elected with the result being known on 25 May 2012. The Board thanked Mr Chapman for his contributions to the work of the Board.







 ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.


Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent


Decisions made under Delegated Authority


The Town Clerk reported that at the 14 May 2007 Board meeting it was agreed that reports concerning the School’s capital programme would be dealt with under delegated authority and that one report relating to the Music Hall Phase 2 Options Appraisal and another on the Renewal of the Lighting and Small Power Phase 1 Gateway 3 and 4 Options Appraisal were dealt with under delegated authority by the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Exclusion of the public

MOTION: That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.


Item Nos.

Exempt Paragraphs

17 - 27

1 & 3










 ...  view the full agenda text for item 16.


MOTION: That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.


Item Nos.

Exempt Paragraphs

17 - 27

1 & 3


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Non Public Minutes



Non Public Minutes of the Finance & Resources Committee



Non Public Minutes of the Nominations Committee



Non Public Minutes of the Taught Degree Awarding Powers Sub Committee



Creative Learning Division: New Structure Proposal



Fundraising Strategy for Milton Court: Naming Rights



Cultural Quarter: Update on progress



Key Performance Indicators



Finance Review



Financial Forecasts



Recommendations for Fellowships and Honorary Fellowships: 2012/13 Session



Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board


There were no questions.


 ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the Board agree should be considered whilst the public are excluded


There were no urgent items.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.